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Automatic health refills on grounded?


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Hi everyone! 

So I started my grounded playthrough today, and wanted to ask if anyone knows the checkpoints where health refills. For example, I took one hit in the beginning of the game when fighting Robert's guys, so I the questions is should I redo this section because of this, or my health will refill after escaping with Ellie (not that it is a very hard part, but still), I do have a health pack, but I try to play very conservatively with resources. I looked around, but haven't found a list anywhere.

If anyone knows would be very appreciated!


Edit: Just to clear things out, I enjoy the difficulty so far, just don't want to find myself in the situation where I can't get through an encounter because I got hit once an hour ago :) 

Edited by iliya0212
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1 minute ago, craig_obviously said:

I used one whenever I took a bit of a decent beating... but I never made a single health kit on my run.. there is enough health about to keep you topped up


I see, well ok, if there is enough to find I should probably be good, I don't think I ever crafted one either when I was doing survivor, but given that resources are rarer on grounded wasn't sure that I would be able to get away with that.



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26 minutes ago, GonzoWARgasm said:

*iirc* [someone please correct me if I'm wrong]


You get a top up to max at the end of most chapters...

- Completion of Outskirts

This level is mostly stealth anyway.


- Completion of Bill's Town

For your reference: the last encounter for the chapter is right after getting a car. Next chapter is the arrival in Pittsburgh. Might need a health kit for Bill's Town due to the amount of close quarters encounters with infected.


- I don't remember if you get a top up at the completion of Pittsburgh/beginner of the Sewers when you jump off the bridge, however, if you were desperately low (around 5%) then you will have had a tiny boost (up to around 20%).


- NOT at the completion of the Sewers (spare Molotovs are insanely effective for multikills here) but definitely at the completion of the Suburbs straight after that. Last encounter is pushing downhill towards the sniper nest at the top of a house. Health refill at the beginning of the Tommy's Damn level. The Sewers/Suburbs is a long stretch of multiple encounters, you might need a health kit for this bit.


- Don't refill your health in the Tommy's Damn level because there's not many encounters (1 long push at the damn, one in the forest pushing uphill and one in the house) and they are fairly easy with the range of weapons that you have amassed by now.


- Health refill at the beginning of the next chapter (University). Don't use a health kit for the whole chapter if you can avoid it but there are a lot of human encounters here, so one may be needed (but no more!)


- Full health at the start of the next chapter when playing as someone else. Use a health kit before the final room if you have one due to one of the hardest encounters in the game including a bloater and multiple infected. That is also the last encounter of the level.


- Penultimate level: Bus Depot. Only encounters are with infected and there are no more infected after this. You have so much flamethrower ammo provided here and you don't need the flamethrower after this level, so use it sparingly but without fear. No health kit needed here.


- Final level is the Hospital. There's no many encounters here. The big one is right at the beginning of the level, so use a health kit if necessary during or at the end of the fight. If you have any spare stock then use it as desired.


In general, there's enough refills and free health kits (two from assisting NPCs and one from scavenging) in the early game to get you through. Craft Molotovs for multikills instead.


Oh yeah! Upgrade pills don't just increase your max health, they also fully refill your health too. Use these tactically.


It's really only the

Pittsburgh -> Sewers -> Suburbs stretch,

The University,

And the Winter chapter

that are the long stretches of repeated difficult encounters.


You're desperately low if Joel is breathing heavy, bent over like he has a stitch or a wound, or if the edges of the screen are red.


Omg, the amount of effort you put in this list.. Thanks a lot, will definetly use this!!! ??

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Just finished grounded mode, and have to say that there are definitely more then enough health kits to find and automatic health refills to comfortably finish the game, if you are careful and reset encounters when taking unnecessary damage, and even doing that it took me about 20 hours (and I am an average gamer).

I did ended up resetting quite a bit, but only because I wanted to be as conservative with recourses as possible and used only one health kit for the whole playthrough, which also was not really necessary (in the start of the second part of winter chapter, didn't remember if you start wounded, and didn't want to risk it).

So yeah, definitely more than doable, and recommend everyone to try :) 


Thanks to everyone who helped!

Edited by iliya0212
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