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Platinum Grind post updates?


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So I have been away for the game for quite some time, stopping around lvl 70ish and done with a decent amount of the early content. The grind to lvl 100 put me off in the early state of the game and the lack of utility for certain builds really made it feel like you had to play a specific way in order to be successful for end game stuff. But I've wanted to come back to the game and get the platinum, as I have for 4, 3 and NV. Has all the updates and new content made the road to the platinum easier or less grindy?

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I platinumed it a couple of days ago, took me around 2 weeks to get from 0-100 and I never felt like I was grinding at all (except the ally reputation trophies which I'm still chipping away at but those aren't required for the plat), the 30 levels you still need will fly by for sure, in fact the road from 0 to level 100 will fly by if you don't think about it and just enjoy the game, there's a tonne of story missions, side missions and since Wastelanders and Steel Dawn there's even more. Also I don't know if it was any different since you left but the community is strangely enough one of the nicest I've personally been around, in my entire time playing I never encountered an asshat player, strangers seem genuinely happy to help out. 


I personally enjoy playing Fallout games as a melee build and had no trouble reaching the endgame in that avenue in 76, honestly felt like a bit of a beast towards the end although waiting for Scorchbeasts to land was a pain in the ass but like a good pain in the ass if that makes sense lol. My other half is now playing it on her account and is doing it all as an archer/bow build while swapping stimpaks for Nuka Cola so I think the road to platinum isn't hindered too much by a play style or how you choose to play just as any Fallout game should be, almost any route feels accommodating except if you want a real challenge and to do the whole thing with a paddleball, then you might be in for a tough time. 

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