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[Recruitment] Looking for a Guild? :D


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Hey guys! I hope it's okay to recruit here - if not, just let me know c:


If anyone is looking for a guild to join, I'd like to offer you a few choices. I'm part of the Rogues guild in the CATS alliance, a guild house 20 guild with power, crit severity, companion ward/slayer, arm pen, and ward offense boons. Incoming heals, crit avoidance, defense, and hp defense boons. XP, mount speed, and healing pots utility boons. I'm also recruiting for Tuxedo Penguin Mafia, a growing guild house 10 with power offense, HP defense, XP and healing pot utility. 


We also have a full alliance of guilds to join if you'd prefer one of them instead!


Each guild has its own requirements but for Rogues and TUX, you just need to be active and not start drama.


CATS alliance is more than just a community, we're a family and we help whenever we can. We're super laid back and chill but we do have people who are end game. We have end game training runs, as well, and offer a discord server and PS4 message group for the alliance.


Whether you're looking for a place to be social or just need help with the game, we got your back.


If you want to join our Discord, the code is WZHMTAT. There we have lots of useful information and you can check out all the guilds in the alliance. 


If you'd like to join Rogues or TUX, please leave a comment with your Character Name@PSN and which guild you'd like an invite to. Please ensure that you've left your guild already and that everything is spelled correctly.


Below is the alliance constitution that we all follow c:



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