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Mission 7.2 - Laying the Trap


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I'm tearing my hair out trying to beat this mission. It's a normal mission with enemies and turrets and it's on rails to a degree but I always get to a point and then fail it.

I've not died, I've killed as many enemies as possible but I keep hitting some sort of fail state and I don't know why. Nothing about the level suggests another goal. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Mystery solved.  It turns out it wasn't bugged (and I was misreading the results screen).  I thought I was pretty highly leveled by this point but the game chooses this moment to make the enemy ships much more durable.


So even though I was successfully targeting every ship, I wasn't destroying them.  To beat this I switched to the railgun and went slower and that got me there.  In fact I got all three objectives.


Not great game design to be honest (it should have a counter at least for this objective and shouldn't be so much trickier than previous missions) but it's done now and I'm on the final mission.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody get this trophy/achievement.

On 27/01/2021 at 8:25 AM, squiddycr4 said:

You'd think so but when the mission ends the 60% objective is green, like I've beaten it.  Plus I've got missiles at level 9 and weapons at 7 (with a 20% boost) so I'm killing everything I see.


Proper annoying!


I haven't achive the level, but, what the problem with the Iridium crystals? I'm playing in PS4, the tracing of PS5 say something? There's a mission os 4th level with 31 crystals, so...

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