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The DLC Made Me Love This Game


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I wish I liked this game as I had high expectations and almost bought it many times before we got it on Plus. Maybe it's not for me, but I feel the map is awfully designed and I'm constantly checking the PS5 cards for help or going to YouTube for walkthroughs as I just can't figure out what the hell I'm supossed to do. Gameplay is also very repetitive and the story makes no sense. Hope it picks up at some point.

Edited by leandrorhcp
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4 hours ago, Sn1per666999 said:

Me neither. There are some games I don't like but I'll admit they just aren't for me and are still good games. This isn't one. Lame environment, weird story, 3 crashes, regular severe fps drops, enemies spawning on top of you, laggy menus, terrible map that sometimes doesn't even load. I don't get the fuss about this game. I'll platinum it but still one of the least enjoyable games I've played in the last year. Glad I held off on buying it.

it's not remedy's finest work. but it's just not well paced, you unlock stuff too late. the environments are a bit repetative but the gunplay makes up for allot of it. on ps5 it was really nice.

some late game story interpretations, SPOILERS.


i understood and liked the story, if you understand it fully it leaves allot open to interpretation by you the player. for example does polaris really exist, or is she drumming up courage from herself the whole time, or is polaris you the player. it is later implied that polaris is indeed real, and hedron is actually an entirely different creature that polaris was just using as a signal booster.


it's also implied that Polaris guided jessie to the bureau to help her get closure but in truth it was more about freeing hedron from the bureau. That is why Hiss possesed dylan said to you that Polaris was just using you - the hiss are distorting the truth here though. The moment you attempt to free Hedron the Hiss attack it in full force, it was what they wanted an were waiting for the opportunity to kill Hedron the moment they could get in there.


But mostly i think the endgame was that Polaris was in a war with the Hiss using Hedron to boost her capabilities. the objects of power and anomalies that have been happening over the years was a by product of the war being waged against the Hiss, and the Bureau started messing about with shit which alerted the hiss that humanity exists so they attacked the bureau

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