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Ludovic/"The Facist Flame" letter not appearing


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So I'm currently replaying all the levels trying to grab all the collectables and I've run into an infuriating problem in Mission 5, Abrunza Monastrey that I can't find any solution for. The most I've found is one mention of it in a comment on an old YT video guide.


Pretty much I only need one more letter to complete the collectables in that level but the person who has the letter I need doesn't appear in my game at all. I've replayed the mission about FOUR times now and he still hasn't appeared so I'm basically unable to complete the collectables. The specific collectable is the "Facist Flame" letter which is held by a guy called Ludovic. In my level replays I've scanned every enemy, made sure I know who each of them are so I know I've already grabbed their collectables and the guy I need just doesn't appear. I've looked up several guides and they have no problem finding him and I have no solution for how to find the soldier. 


At this point I've wasted about 2+ hours trying to find him so I'm about to just give up on this game at this point. Hopefully someone else has had this problem and knows a solution or at the very least this post can be used as a warning to anyone who's looking to try this game out. 

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