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[Video] A easy and fast way to do the last part of the last level

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This strategy has been recommended in multiple threads here already, and many peple used it successfully. In my opinion, it's too risky because you're relying on the Ausmerzers not hitting you before you get to the ladder, while you're climbing up or (less likely) when you're turning right at the top (around 1:02 in your video). If you feel comfortable with these odds, go ahead.


I used a different approach: run below deck to break line of sight with the Ausmerzers, take out soldiers with a combination of assault rifle and shotgun for a couple of minutes, and once they stop coming, use your charged laser rifle to take both bosses out with 4 shots total. A combination of two quick assault rifle shots to stagger the enemy (and stop them from firing) followed by a shotgun to the face after closing the distance means you can only get hurt and die if the soldiers get in the room with you, take positions and start firing which takes a while and you have time to use the stagger/kill combo on them if you cover the entrances efficiently.


Yes, it's also risky, especially since you need to cover 4 entrances at the same time but for me it was less frustrating than the idea of running into a room with two large mechs and a soldier immediately after tossing a grenade in. To each their own.

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Yeah it's too risky, especially at the end of a 3-4 hour run. I personally also used the same method as the guy above. It's much more consistent and safe in my opinion. Just keep out the dual rifles at all times and run back and forth repeatedly, killing anyone before they can even enter. Most of the time the soldiers won't even shoot you because it's such a narrow space and you can stand behind the small archways near each entrance.

Edited by CrimsonMercury
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