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Any Missable Thropy to look out for?

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Well any loyalty mission is missable technically and so is paramour as usual. 


However i'd look out for Big game hunter, this is done on Grunt's loyalty mission and is missable if you don't kill the thresher maw fast enough. Also Samara's loyalty mission you can also fail quite easily if you don't pick the right dialogue options.


EDIT: Also as the poster above me says make sure search everywhere for the weapon upgrades, they are usually in plain sight but you might miss a few if you rush through the missions. Also make sure to upgrade the Normandy before heading out in the final mission. If you don't crewmembers will die locking you out the 'keep everyone alive' trophy.

Edited by xZoneHunter
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You can do almost everything until you enter the Omega 4 Relay, which is the point of no return for the open part of the game, but you definitely want to be aware of a few things.


If you have a bad relationship with some of your squad mates, either you won't get a prompt for their loyalty mission, or they will refuse to join/leave your party entirely. And you can actually fail the loyalty missions for Thane, Samara, Zaeed, and Tali in various ways.


The main missable trophy is "No One Left Behind", requiring you and your entire party to survive the final mission. Not only does this require you to have done all of the loyalty missions, but you need to:

  • Fully upgrade the Normandy.
  • Have a high enough Paragon or Renegade rating to keep both Miranda and Jack, and both Tali and Legion, when you have to choose between them.
  • Do NOT do any optional missions once the endgame begins (there's a cutscene, you'll know when it happens). Getting the Reaper IFF and doing Legion's loyalty mission should be basically the last thing you do before the endgame.
  • Pick very specific people for technical/biotic/squad leader/defense roles in the Collector Base. Ignore what they say, pick the people with the right skills. Hopefully it's obvious but

    use Tali/Legion/Kasumi for tech, Samara/Morinth/Jack for biotics, Garrus/Jacob/Miranda for squad leader, and Grunt/Zaeed/Garrus for gate defense.

Considering you may want to import your character across all three games, I'd strongly recommend using a guide for this one, as anyone who doesn't survive ME2 doesn't show up in ME3, and that may affect those trophies as well. This is a pretty good overview: https://screenrant.com/squadmate-alive-during-suicide-mission-mass-effect-2/

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