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Nanophage Card Advice


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After my second playthrough closely following a guide I got to the Jack sequence only to find the nanophage symbol on the table but no card to pick up. I’ve been scouring this forum for any advice on how to prevent the nanophage card glitch from occurring and I was aware of it before I started playing. I’ve noticed that a lot of people who had similar issues have since got the platinum trophy for this game. I just wondered if anyone has any advice or idea on how to prevent this irritating problem from occurring. Going to start a third run shortly but ideally don’t want to spend hours and hours just stabbing in the dark. 

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Quick update on this as I found information on this topic hard to come by:


**disclaimer - this is what worked for me, it isn’t a guaranteed fix. Potential spoilers ahead too** 

Context: On my first playthrough I had noticed some cards didn’t spawn and then on my collectible playthrough, as noted above, the first card in the Jack Karnas dream sequence was absent from the desk it should have been on. This rendered the Pandemic trophy unobtainable on that playthrough.


What I did: 

1) Just to be safe I wiped all my saves and deleted and reinstalled the game.

2) I went through the main story of the game collecting all the nanophage cards from the dream sequences. (Amir, Helena, Jack and then tracking the killer right up until the attic. DO NOT go up into the attic until you have 53 nanophage cards. 

3) I then did the Pieta dream sequence

4) After this I did a general clean up of all the nanophage cards around the building

5) Finally I did the 7 new nanophage cards contained in ‘Her Fearful Symmetry’ ‘An Errant Signal’ and ‘It Runs in the Family’.


Using this method meant I had 53 cards before the attic. The remaining 16 cards spawned as they should and the trophy unlocked for me. Hopefully this helps someone but just to reiterate I can’t guarantee that this will work as it’s a very glitchy trophy and the exact stipulations for causing this trophy not to glitch are not really known.

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