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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1&2 Trophy Thoughts?


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On 6/9/2021 at 2:24 PM, TheAbyssWalker61 said:

It's a shame that they lost the original ninja gaiden codes lol how can a company do something like that but Sigma versions are awful , the only good thing it's that you can play with more characters and the platinum doesn't have online but it's going to be hard btw

I like both versions, but the original 360 Ninja Gaiden 2 is better especially when played on X1X (and I assume XSX). I wish the NGMC would've had both versions of 2.


Original NG2 has larger groups of enemies but with less life, and it's easier to dismember them to set up OTs. One of NG2's stages has a cave section which is cut out in Sigma 2. A lot of bugs swarm you here, and you can practice UTs on them to rack up the karma. S2 also lacks the Tests of Valor, which are worth it for the karma and valuable items (such as a Talisman of Rebirth, Lives of the Thousand Gods, or a Jewel of the Demon Seal)


One thing I dislike in Sigma 2 is that when you take a Lives of the Thousand Gods item, you will always use it immediately... sorry, no saving it for later. It's good that you can do this in original NG2 because LOTTG will top off your lifebar after raising your max health. So if you have several, you could keep them with you for a difficult boss battle.


I'm starting to appreciate the Lunar staff more in both 1 & 2. Regarding Sigma 1, I think the Rachel missions should've been separated from the Ryu campaign when they originally made the PS3 game. Gamov is a SOB.

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On 20.6.2021 at 3:09 AM, RadiantFlamberge said:

Just for the record, difficulty trophies in NGS2 don't stack. I cleared Warrior and Passed Warrior came up, but this didn't give me the Acolyte one.

Yes thats true, as well, getting those trophies from chapter challenge doesnt work anymore.

In the PS3 version you were able to beat the last chapter in chapter challenge on acolyte and earn the trophy, thats not possible any more which means you have to beat the game 8 times...



Kinda have to take my words back because i now think its harder than the original release, MN missions and Mentor 5 are the actual dealbreakers because the AI is

not very helpful.


Those fights have similar if not the same modifiers as the PS3 version, I only have UN3, MN2 and Mentor 5 left, UN3 and Mentor 5 suck a lot because of the AI.

MN3 was personally the hardest for me yet cause im not great at fighting Liz without having healing items and the AI is almost useless in that fight.


So basically if youre great at fighting all the Bosses this version is easier, however if you still struggle with some bosses like me its harder cause you have to carry the AI. 

Edited by KingTom95
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On 22/6/2021 at 21:32, KingTom95 said:

Sí, eso también es cierto, obtener esos trofeos del desafío del capítulo ya no funciona.

En la versión de PS3, pudiste vencer el último capítulo en el desafío del capítulo sobre el acólito y ganar el trofeo, eso ya no es posible, lo que significa que debes ganar el juego 8 veces ...



Tengo que retractarme de mis palabras porque ahora creo que es más difícil que el lanzamiento original, las misiones MN y Mentor 5 son los verdaderos obstáculos porque la IA es

no es muy útil.


Esas peleas tienen modificadores similares, si no los mismos, que la versión de PS3, solo me quedan UN3, MN2 y Mentor 5, UN3 y Mentor 5 apestan mucho debido a la IA.

MN3 fue personalmente el más difícil para mí porque no soy bueno luchando contra Liz sin tener elementos de curación y la IA es casi inútil en esa pelea.


Entonces, básicamente, si eres bueno luchando contra todos los jefes, esta versión es más fácil, sin embargo, si aún luchas con algunos jefes como yo, es más difícil porque tienes que llevar la IA. 

I found the same problem in Mentor 05 and MN 02. The rebalancing is not too equal. On the other hand, MN03-05 and UN01-02 drastically lowered their difficulty and it didn't take me too many tries to get them. Hopefully with practice and perseverance they will end up achieving those 2 Missions. Especially Mentor 05 that barely reduces health and is also at the end of the game.

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I just finished the tag missions and I will just say that Mentor 05 is the plat blocker of them since I found it to be by far the hardest to solo.  MN02 and UN03 are also pretty difficult.  MN03 and MN05 aren't too bad if you know the bosses decently well.  UN01 and UN02 were pretty heavily nerfed so they are not too bad to just bullshit your way through them.  I found that Rachel makes for the best AI by far so make sure to use her all the time unless you have a different strategy in mind.  The only time I didn't use Rachel as AI was on MN05.  I did Lunar Ryu + BOTA Ryu so I could loop kill Genshin then switch to BOTA Ryu to deal with Liz.

The AI takes less damage than you so you can switch characters when getting grabbed to lower damage.  You also never have to revive the AI if you don't want to as it will never fail the mission which can be super useful if one of you is about to fail the mission from too low of life.  I left the AI dead on Mentor 05 and just ran around with Rachel shooting adds and picking away at the last boss to finish that trial successfully.

I also found another pretty good tip for UN03.  First of all take 2x Rachel, then during the 2x statue of liberty part.. once one of you dies go and revive and then switch to the Rachel that was just revived.  Both statues of liberty will be focusing the reviving Rachel which should now be the AI which will be taking reduced damage and also give you complete freedom to deal damage to the hands or shoot the neck until the AI dies.  Once they do die you can revive and then just switch to the revived Rachel and repeat.  It will make this mission a lot easier to finish so I recommend it.

I also took 2x Rachel on MN02 and I wish I had done the same on Mentor 05.  I highly recommend doing so as the Rachel AI is significantly better than the others and she has the ability to quickly and easily dispatch all normal enemies with her gun.  Her SSTTT combo is also great for damaging bosses.

They did just enough to make it reasonable to solo everything offline, but you still need to be pretty competent with the bosses.

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Last night I finished the original Xbox 360 Ninja Gaiden II on Xbox One, where Acolyte and Warrior difficulty clear achievements WILL stack. If you have never cleared Acolyte on that yet, the popup will say you earned 2 achievements for a total of 200 points (100 for the Warrior clear, and another 100 for Acolyte). This makes it a little upsetting that the A&W trophies don't stack in PS3 or PS4 versions of Sigma 2. A careless mistake on Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo's part?


One difference in bosses: In Quickening Devastation (it's Chapter 12 in original NG2), instead of Marbus, you fight 2 giant fire armadillos. NG2 doesn't have the Buddha Statue and Statue of Liberty bosses you see in Sigma 2.

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The Tag Missions were smooth sailing until I hit Mentor 03. I've been using Ryu with the Enma's Fang, and CPU Rachel. Enma's Fang has a good UT with AOE, like the Dabilahro from NGS1. The SST, SSST, STT, and 360 T combos aren't bad. I'm thinking it may be a good idea to hold off on reviving a KOed partner, since reviving doesn't take away red damage and too many KO-revive cycles means more red.

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Sturmhauser said:

I've done all UN on Sigma 2 tag missonsnow but how do you beat MN02? You do chip damage to the dragon and the AI is horrible on MN :( 

That was my last tag mission also ......definitely in the top 3 hardest (tag) just keep at u got this lol

Edited by Spookyentertainm
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  • 4 months later...

I wouldn't say Sigma 2 is a 10/10. In fact it's probably a 7/10 or 8/10, since the best ninja gaiden player uploaded so much stuff over the course of 12 years and showed all the different tricks to get those pesky team mission done. If you happen to know someone who is a beast in this game and can carry you, it will become a easier game than before. Since this is the PS4 version and i already saw some videos from this game, i can tell you the team missions, which are the hardest part for the plat, got nerved, so you could get this done solo. I only played ps3 version but i assume the ps4 version will be easier in regards of the trophies and less grindy.

Edited by Red-Izanagi
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4 hours ago, Red-Izanagi said:

I wouldn't say Sigma 2 is a 10/10. In fact it's probably a 7/10 or 8/10, since the best ninja gaiden player uploaded so much stuff over the course of 12 years and showed all the different tricks to get those pesky team mission done. If you happen to know someone who is a beast in this game and can carry you, it will become a easier game than before. Since this is the PS4 version and i already saw some videos from this game, i can tell you the team missions, which are the hardest part fro the plat, got nerved, so you could get this done solo. I only played ps3 version but i assume the ps4 version will be easier in regards of the trophies and less grindy.

I noticed u said something about being carried by another player , they removed coop in master collection you have 2 do everything solo but it's nerfed so it easier and fair

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  • 5 months later...
On 02.12.2021 at 5:08 PM, Red-Izanagi said:

Yeah i was talking about the ps3 version, which has coop in there. PS4 version is way easier of course, since the missions are nerved anyway and coop is missing sadly. Anyway if anyone is worried about the difficulty, just try the game on an alt. Only if you want of course


missions on PS4 maybe nerfed but no way its easier than PS3 where someone else can complete them for you

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