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Easy/garbage Plats


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At the end of the day, you're the one who chooses what you want to play. Not everyone is going to be like me and shame people for playing EZPZ games, but the vast majority people are not even slightly impressed by those plats. Combine that with the fact that you're feeling dirty about it, and I would suggest stopping. It's never too late to play better games.

Edited by yuber1234
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10 hours ago, VisibleBanana said:

Thanks for all the replies guys. I decided just to start fresh again since it's better to do now than later and have regrets again. I'm just going to ignore all the 'cash grab' Plats going forward and just do games that seem fun that might still be easy (Telltale, etc). I don't mind re-platting some or most of my previous games as I enjoyed them all, some have PS5 enhancements now, and most aren't too long. Plus, I'm not deleting my old account, so if I decide to go back, it'll be there. 

The question I have is first you were InvisibleBanana, then you made VisibleBanana. What will your next account be?




EDIT: Nvm, I see VisibleBanana is indeed the new account. You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

Edited by FreshFromThaDeli
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Play whatever you want. I have a mix of good and bad plats. Trophy hunting should be enjoyable so do whatever you have fun doing. A plat is a plat at the end of the day and the plat for a hard game like RDR2 is worth the same as the plat for a game like Slyde when it comes to leveling your account.

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Up to you what you do. Look at it this way, at least those 30 plats will be at the bottom of your list.


I get the feeling. My list at one point has some 10 of those games in a row (well, it is more 5 as each game has a PS4/Vita stack) and after seeing that I didn't like it and stopped. Now if I play those types of games I try to at least space a significant amount of games between each of them so their presence doesn't dominate whatever part of my list is being looked at. Of course, as someone who enjoys Adventure games/VNs, which are a type of game that tends to have these high percentages as they can be largely skipped quickly till the plat pops, me getting them on my list is pretty much unavoidable but that ain't going to stop me from playing them. As for easy quick plats themselves... I don't like them overloading profiles yes, but I can understand indulging here and there. It is nice after doing some 100 hour plat that had you do 20 hours to pop that last bronze, to pop a whole bunch of trophies quickly.

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You should spend another $1000 or so dollars on easy plats, and play them continually until you burst a couple of blood vessels in your eyes.


The best part of trophy hunting is taking any kind of fun out of the equation; don’t listen to the other saps in this thread.

Edited by starcrunch061
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/27/2021 at 11:07 PM, ExHaseo said:

Ultimately, your profile is for YOU. No one is really going to care whether you have 200 easy plats, if you have only UR plats, or if you have 0 plats. No one is really going to care if you have 100% completion or 1% completion. Just play the games you want to play in the way you feel like playing them. Gaming is supposed to be a fun hobby. If you're not having fun, then do what is fun instead.

Exactly correct. Do what you want not what others want. 

On 7/27/2021 at 11:34 PM, SKiL_Clash said:

Be you.


That’s it.

Play games you find fun. 
I enjoy all types. 
Loved Destiny 2 for 1650 hours. 
Enjoy plenty of ez games but I only play the games i want. 
Start over if you like. 
If you do, go a different path. 

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