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Silenced Tribunal


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Aside from the purple weapons held by visionaries (which tend to always have the same ability on them), all purple weapons will have a random ability on it. I don't believe there's a guaranteed spawn for a silenced weapon unfortunately. While playing I did manage to get a Silenced Tribunal off a Julianna invasion (AI) on Updaam - Evening I think, and at one point I also got a Silenced LIMP-10 though I'm unsure where I got that one. Basically you have a chance of getting them off any purple weapon drop for either of those guns, though Julianna invasions might be your best bet.


EDIT: It's not a Tribunal, but there is a guaranteed spawn of a Silenced LIMP-10 in Egor's Camp in The Complex - Noon (might appear in other time periods too), upstairs in his lab.

Edited by Archavia
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Eventually I ended up with a fixed spawn for a silenced pt-16 in the library. Imo a silenced weapon makes the trophy for killing 3 targets at the party a cakewalk.


nexus link Wenji and Egor + all targets on the roof and headshot 1 eternalist with the pt-16 = double kill

Meat grinded Aleksis next and that’s about it.


Thanks for all the replies I got the platinum 2 days ago and the reason I wanted a silenced gun is for the trophy I mentioned.

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  • 1 year later...

I have the platinum but I saw a lot of people who wanted this weapon so I went back to the game and recorded a video to get this weapon in an easy and fast way it is random that it comes out but it came out pretty fast they should go to updaam at noon and kill 2 enemies and if they don't let go they go to the main menu and go back in and repeat the same thing until I give them this silent weapon that is great for the whole game.


when you have the weapon do not forget to imbue it so that they keep it forever.





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2 minutes ago, XEXU_DEMON_X10 said:

I have the platinum but I saw a lot of people who wanted this weapon so I went back to the game and recorded a video to get this weapon in an easy and fast way it is random that it comes out but it came out pretty fast they should go to updaam at noon and kill 2 enemies and if they don't let go they go to the main menu and go back in and repeat the same thing until I give them this silent weapon that is great for the whole game.


when you have the weapon do not forget to imbue it so that they keep it forever.







I'd imagine that turning up the difficulty would also increase the chances of it dropping (as stated as much in the menu description on how difficulty rewards work). Honestly, the game is so easy, especially now with all the accessibility features, that getting silenced tribunal would just break it anyway.

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18 minutes ago, Vault-TecPhantom said:



Me imagino que aumentar la dificultad también aumentaría las posibilidades de que disminuya (como se indica en la descripción del menú sobre cómo funcionan las recompensas de dificultad). Honestamente, el juego es tan fácil, especialmente ahora con todas las características de accesibilidad, que silenciar el tribunal simplemente lo rompería de todos modos.

This weapon would be good to go in stealth, especially for those who have problems in the party trophy of killing 3 targets in the party without being discovered

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