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Unobtainable trophies?


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16 minutes ago, Tidus755 said:


Are any of the trophies actually unobtainable on the PS Vita at the moment?


I'm aware the Perfect Touch! trophy is probably very difficult, but other than that, anything I should be on the lookout for?

Thank you


As far as i'm aware it is still possible to obtain the trophies for both the PS4 and Vita versions, although the vita servers have been shown to be a little temperamental from time to time.


As for obtaining cups, just try your best at each challenge. You'll probably find that you're better at certain events than others, for me personally, i was really good at the falling ones. I think i got 2 platinums in my entire time playing the game.

You'll find there are about 4 people on the servers that constantly compete against each other, and take up all the top spots of every challenge (seemingly because they have nothing better to do than have a dick swinging contest on Rayman Legends of all things), so it will take you a while, but just keep at it.


Just try and get the bare minimum of a silver each time, otherwise the game could take a substantially long time  >.<

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1 hour ago, Tidus755 said:


Are any of the trophies actually unobtainable on the PS Vita at the moment?


I'm aware the Perfect Touch! trophy is probably very difficult, but other than that, anything I should be on the lookout for?

Thank you


As others have said, the servers are still up and the trophies are still obtainable. It'll just be difficult to get a Diamond Cup, given the amount of active players.


Also, Perfect Touch! isn't that bad. It just requires you to learn one of the levels.
So just keep playing through whichever one you think might be easiest and you'll figure out how to avoid the obstacles pretty quickly.

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