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I’ve got 99 Thermos but it’s a bi*ch missing 1


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Highly unlikely given the basic menu mechanic in the game, but is there any small nugget of knowledge out there Someone may have which will allow me to identify which damn thermos I’m missing? I really don’t want to have go through the whole game again just searching for one thermos.


also, on the one episode I have so far replayed searching for this cheeky collectible, it appears as though thermos flasks are the only collectible which does not show up again in levels when relaying? Has anyone else noticed this? Signs are all still there, manuscript pages are all still there, but go to where I collected thermos flasks when replaying and they just aren’t there. Why would this be the one collectible that doesn’t reappear when replaying episodes? I’m asking just to put at ease a worrying thought that maybe my game has corrupted somehow around the thermos flasks?

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Someone may have which will allow me to identify which damn thermos I’m missing? I really don’t want to have go through the whole game again just searching for one thermos.


Unfortunately you're gonnna need to replay each episode, and revisit each location to find that missing themos.


I do have a helpful hint. After collecting a thermos, did you die? Collectables aren't saved with an autosave when picked up, Collectables are saved when you reach a safe haven (light source), except the last one which causes the trophy pop up.


1 hour ago, PotrikBerger said:

also, on the one episode I have so far replayed searching for this cheeky collectible, it appears as though thermos flasks are the only collectible which does not show up again in levels when relaying? Has anyone else noticed this? Signs are all still there, manuscript pages are all still there, but go to where I collected thermos flasks when replaying and they just aren’t there. Why would this be the one collectible that doesn’t reappear when replaying episodes?


Yep that's by design and how it was on Xbox 360 days;

  • Thermos' and Cans disappear in the world when collected/shot
  • Pages, signs, tv shows, radio and chests will remain and can be revisited

The reason is more then likely the others are all needed for a gameplay element while those aren't (Pages are story progression, signs/tv shows/radio are static entities and are apart of the world and chests are needed for nightmare run to reduce the difficulty, having them disappear on your second playthrough would be a pain).


Your best course of action (if you are doing a nightmare run) is when you're going through the episodes quickly revisit the locations of the thermos (using a visual guide), as a lot aren't that far off the path for a quick check revisiting them won't be that difficult.



I’m asking just to put at ease a worrying thought that maybe my game has corrupted somehow around the thermos flasks?


This might be a legit issue, but let's run the check. From what you've said you've run through this game once (original issue), and also replayed one episode. So you haven't revisited all the thermos locations in all episodes to confirm it has been corrupted. You're assuming after a once occurrance it is glitched without proper reconfirmation. Additionally to hopefully ease your worrying, so far people have gotten 100% in this game haven't seen it.


So far this could a honest user error issue and you missed it in the world (I did the same eariler by missing a collectible) or that you accidently died and didn't collect it again.



I apologise if the post sounds straight to the point but I hope it has helped you.

Edited by wardragon989
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It may be worth going to check the meeting room place I mention above, because mine too was just a miss and I had read before hand there was one to collect there. I was obviously distracted with the collectible signs et al which are also around that area and just forgot it.


or, the one wild-arms-r describes above also seems to be missed rather than one lost to death, so maybe worth checking that too.


but yeah, otherwise definitely check after every few collectibles because  when replaying to locate it’s like finding a needle in a haystack if you miss one and have no idea where it is.


As wardragon rightly says, if doing a 2nd run you can retrace steps during that, but i had already started my nightmare play through and at this point, just want to concentrate on speed running it to finish asap, not waste time in every episode looking for a single thermos. 


The silver lining is you’ve spotted it early and can narrow down where you have to retrace

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