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Advice on going for 100%

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Just a little advice to help going for all of the trophies and objectives:

The hidden package at the most northern point of Portland (1st island) is right next to the tunnel entrance to the other islands.  It should be blocked off when you start the game, however the ground is missing all collision in the grassy area left of the tunnel entrance.  If you take the Banshee from the car dealer and drive at the right angle towards that missing collision area, you can glitch through the map and with enough speed get passed the blockage to the tunnel entrance.  The game will just load you into the tunnel and now you have access to all 3 islands with the only hostile NPC's being the Colombians.
99 of the 100 hidden packages are available (you can take the subway back to Portland to grab the one in the subway station in Chinatown, Boats are unlocked in the 2nd island when you get there)
All safe houses are available to save and store cars, import/export garages are open and vigilante/taxi/fire fighter/paramedic are all available.

I've only completed 1 story mission, collected 99 hidden packages gotten all but the bf injector for the shore side vale import/export garage and finished off 100 taxi missions and have around 300 grand.
My advice would be to complete as much as possible before doing any of the story missions because of the hostile gang areas.  Also the only hidden package that isn't attainable doing this is the one on the bridge leading into Shore Side Vale from Staunton Island (the bridge that raises and lowers)

Hope this helps, it seems to be a giant starting help in workings towards the 100%

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