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Your weakness in trophy hunting.


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I completely agree on the missable trophies.  It sucks some of the fun out of a game when you have to monitor trophies.


Also any trophies that take a completely ridiculous amount of time, such as the Mortal Kombat one that requires like 400 hours of play time.  I could platinum 5 lengthy role playing titles by avoiding this one trophy.  

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Definitely speedrun trophies, I honestly don't see the point in them, would they not rather me taking my time and enjoying the game they worked on or me speeding through it all because of a dumb trophy requirement?


And of course online trophies mainly because I prefer playing alone and you have to get them fast before a lot of people stop playing the game

GTA IV. Liberty City Minute. 

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"Online mode - get to max level/rank" trophies.


Sure thing, it's a strategy to make people play the online portion of the game, but it's time consuming. Take for example AC:Brotherhood. Now, compare the list with AC:R and AC3. It went from "YOU'LL LIVE INSIDE ONLINE MODE FOR QUITE SOME TIME" to "Oh, sure. Play some matches". And for me, that should be the idea.


"RNG-based" trophies.


 3 things were the bane of my existence: 

  • Finding Jimmy J3NKN5 without having "Doctor's Orders" active on my quest list (Borderlands 2). It took me 4 days of running from point A to B, praying for it to spawn in the next ammo box.
  • Farming a Pure Bladestone for the upgrade trophy (Demon's Souls). On the good side, I managed to farm a lot of souls, since I was under PBWT. That, and soul boost stuff = yaaay.
  • Farming a Blue Titanite Slab for the final upgrade trophy (Dark Souls). I was too lazy to beat the game and return to the Crystal cave to get the "easy" slab from a corpse, so I decided to farm butterflies. Ended up beating the game and returning to the cave. FUNFACT: I needed a red slab as well, and it had the same drop rate as the blue slab. Ended up getting it on first blood at Lost Izalith. I nearly ragequitted for the day.
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  • Finding Jimmy J3NKN5 without having "Doctor's Orders" active on my quest list (Borderlands 2). It took me 4 days of running from point A to B, praying for it to spawn in the next ammo box.


This. The spawn rate wanted to make me claw my eyes out.


Other than this, my biggest weakness is trying to prioritize which game / trophies to work through. Ever since I got PS+, the backlog seems to continue to grow...

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If its a terrible grind, say over 50 hours, I generally skip those on purpose.

If its a skill based trophy, I decide quickly if Im going to be able to do, after trying a handful of times.

Those two things, coupled with the limited amount of time I have to play and the fact that I don't replay games very often leads to my roughly 40% completion.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My weakness in trophy hunting? Time. Like seriously, about 90% of the time I don't have really much time to do anything (not to mention I only play at weekends(or at vacations, the whole day)) and honestly, if I am good at multiplayer then it wont take so much time for me to end all of the multiplayer-trophies.

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Since online trophies has been sad a hundred times ill go with difficulty trophies. I personally like to have fun with my games/platinums and if a game requires to be completed on the hardest difficulty it eliminates all fun for me because i cant stand dying, putting so much work into something only to have to restart is a frustration i cant handle and if it requires a playthrough on each and every difficulty i wont even bother playing the game.


Of course theres some exceptions that are still pretty easy like the infamous games for instance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i don't mind online or difficulty related trophies. what annoys me are the collectible trophies.

some games have huge amounts to collect. most of the time, it adds nothing to the game except doubling the time to platinum.

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The ones I don't like are the MP trophies that involve more than 4 people.  A few that I can think of:


King Pin - Red Dead Redemption

Pa-Pa-Pa-Poker Ace - Red Dead Redemption

Any of the Guardians of Middle Earth trophies when the servers were active (towards the end when they were dying it was easier)

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— any online trophies

— difficulty-based trophies à la "Hey, I'm just a regular AI, but this is the hardest difficulty setting, so I'll shoot you through three walls, and cover, okay?"

— those stupid Pro trophies in Rock Band 3 where you're required to buy additional equipment for 300$+

— I tend to get motion sickness. Most first-person games used to leave me nauseous, but I got accustomed to it over time. Now it's just a few games with a terribly-made camera that are problematic. A few weeks ago, I tried to play Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows - P1 again. I almost puked. This might also be due to the game being crappy in general.

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