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Platinum is just a grind 5/10 difficulty


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When people make claims about it being easy, they really should achieve the platinum first. Havn't you heard time is money? 'Expensive' comes in price or time. So is difficulty.  I'd rather do something else than grinding for 1000 hrs. Achieve the plat first and I will believe you. The same goes to the other person who said about rather playing it legit in another thread. Yes do it and then be proud. 

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I played D2 a lot back in the day, but I didn't know shit about the end-game stuff. I had no idea about good builds (I didn't like Hammerdin, Trapsin, etc.). I played likely 1000+ and never beat the game on Hell solo -- always in public games. I ended up using bots and hacked "white" items to allow me to clear content myself. I would concede that I was a very average or below average player back then.


I picked up D2R and went into it with only my prior knowledge from years ago. I started a summon necro and coasted through the game until Hell. I got discouraged as soon as I encountered my first physical immune champ pack (even with amp on it was slow af). I decided to roll a sorc to see if I had better luck. Again, I got into Hell, ran into my first cold-immune pack and struggled. I had to read guides, watch videos, and study wiki pages for items / runewords that would make the game easier. So please, tell me how this game is "easy"? Heck, I had to feed my gf gear so she could finish normal. If you don't know the ins and outs of the game (where to get runes, how to beat Hell, etc.) then you're researching (or getting carried). 

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