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Tips for annoying trophies


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Hey guys. Thought I'd share some tips for a couple of trophies that had me scratching my head.


Now that I'm done, I can't say I agree with the plat being a 3 or 4 like some guides suggest. In fact, I found some trophies to be a real chore and judging by the looks of it on different forums and comment sections, I'm not alone. Some videos might make things look effortless but keep in mind that enemies and the whole game in general can be pretty random sometimes. Here, I'll provide little details that I haven't seen mentioned in the guides or forums.


Hope this helps.


First of all, I just want to say that the upgraded shift and aether slabs + the silent footsteps trinket will make your life much easier for almost every trophy. But that's really no secret, right?


Spoiled for choice : Seems like infusing a second limp 10 is necessary for the trophy to pop. 1st one you infuse early in the game doesn't count.


Fwd Fwd Fwd + Rip and tear : Best place to do it is definitely the evening party where Aleksis hangs out. Lots of enemies that you can attract and cluster up.


Ghost at the feast : Start with Wenjie and Egore on the rooftops before making your way to Aleksis and the meat grinder. Since you have more chance to miss these two targets, it might save you some time. Silenced nail gun works well with the lightning trinket. The most important part is to make sure you link every enemy on the rooftop with nexus. With the juiced up trinket, you'll be able to fire 2 or 3 shots of nexus to link them all before firing. YOU NEED TO HEADSHOT THE CLOSEST ENEMY (the one that's leaning on the wall with it's back turned on you). The other enemies are too far away and your gunshot won't be powerful enough for a one hit kill (even with the sniper).


Silent disco + Mightier than the gun + GOD of OSP : Don't bother trying these on the lovers, it doesn't work. Instead, do it with Egore during the evening. If Julianna shows up, just die or finish the day, then start over in the next loop. Otherwise, she won't let go.


Judgement day : Kill Harriet twice and infuse her pistols so you can dual wield. Make sure you use big box + high rate of fire. When you reach hangar 2, use aether and shift to reach the blue enemy on the other side and quickly melee him with R1. Slowly make your way to Harriet while cloaking, taking out her three guards on the way. When you reach Harriet, LOWER HER HEALTH with any gun you have besides the poisoned ones (I used the orange smg). After a couple of shots, cloak and make your way back UPSTAIRS. The idea is to STAY FAR enough from her while cloaked so that she loses sight of you and therefore can't shoot you. Your shots need to end up close to her feet. Trying to shoot her while you are both downstairs or in the cockpit will probably result in an explosion and a huge waste of time. 


Hopefully, you won't need as many retries as me for these trophies.



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