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Hood PVE Tips

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With the recent addition of new players to Hood because of PS Plus, I thought I'd post some tips for the PvE portion of the game. PvE Hood first and foremost is a game of stealth. There is a lot more guards in this mode and they do a ton more damage than in PvP. Crossbowman and archers will kill most characters in one hit while guards and knights is about two hits. Unless the guards have been alerted, there is no reason to run.


My tips are as follows:

- You should always be hiding in a bush if possible. Guards can't see you while crouching in a bush and you are free to assassinate guards at will within a bush without triggering the alarm. Another guard could be a meter away and still be belissfully unaware you just slaughtered his buddy.


- You can lure guards to bushes using the whistle (Tap Down D-pad). If two guards are together, one will be drawn to the bush to be assassinated while his friend idles around. Once first guard dead, lure the second one with another whistle and repeat.


- Even in the winching phase, you should be in a bush and whistling. Guards will walk towards the winch point if no one has alerted and can still be lured into bushes for assassination.


- You should only ever assassinate and never use melee attacks (with the exception of Tooke on the Sheriff, more on that later).


- Unless you are being chased, don't run. It gives away your position too easily.


- Most teams lose this mode in the winching phase because the sheriff breaks the winch. Someone (preferably John or Tooke as backup) needs to focus on downing the sheriff and giving the team as much time as possible.


- Play your character role!

John: Your most important job is during the winching phase and babysitting the sheriff. A bomb is the easiest way to down the sheriff and buy your team time. Once sheriff is down, go find another bomb for when the sheriff gets up. With a good team, you won't need to worry about the horde approaching the winch. The perk that lets you carry two bombs is a good idea if you have it. With the right timing, you can keep the sheriff indefinitely downed.


Marianne: With the silent slaughter perk she can clear our the map singlehanded and carry the team in the winching phase. She also has smoke bombs which are great for stunning guards and can then be assassinated within the smoke cloud.


Robin: Also great a clearing out guards with his bow. He can usually shoot 3 or more arrows from a bush before the guards investigate. Also can be a backup to down the sheriff if John out of bombs or no Tooke.


Tooke: Tooke can also down the sheriff if there is no John on the team although he isn't quite as good. Tooke can down the sheriff in 3 heavy attacks but this gives the sheriff time to get closer to the winch so John is preferred. Tooke should also take poison bombs over healing bombs as if you play right, no one should be getting hit.


Eiida: To me she seems the weakest character for this mode. Can't reliably down the sheriff and the slow trap is nice for the facing the horde but I'd take a Marianne or Robin over her any day. I don't play this character though so maybe others with more experience can comment.


Once you get the hang of the mode and exploit the weak AI, the mode is pretty easy. Have 2 manned it many times as either a John/Robin or John/Marianne duo.


Hope this helps people out to get some wins.


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