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Got game from PS+, what do I need to buy?


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I got 100% in For Honor without buying one season pass.

Sometimes Ubisoft will sell the base game with Marching Fire DLC already included, so I’m not sure if that’s what you bought. You could use in-game currency to buy a Wu Lin hero, & you don’t need the DLC to play Breach. However, if you don’t have a friend to help you boost the Arcade mode trophies, the Marching Fire DLC would be the only thing you do need for 100%.

Besides that, all season passes are for only cosmetic stuff. Save your money dude.


Here are some tips that I learned along the way: 

1) Do not waste your steel on anything in the beginning. Instead, save it, & when you have enough, put it into Champion Status. Champion Status boosts the amount of XP you gain from each match.  A lot of players don’t play with Champion Status because they don’t think it’s worth it. In reality, Champion Status will boost your leveling-up dramatically.

Side note on this, if you have Champion Status during double XP events, you can increase your heroes rep extremely fast. With orders, Champion Status, & double XP, I can usually gain 5-10 reps on a hero during a weekend grind. 


2) Pick your main. There is a meta, but I’d recommend you pick which ever hero you like to play based on their moveset. Each hero is drastically different, so play around with all the heroes until one suits your play-style. Then go into either PvAI or training to learn their moveset. When you are ready, enter PvP. 


3) PvP. Be ready for heavy loses that aren’t your fault. This game has a massive learning curve & a shit ton of toxic players. DO NOT GIVE UP. If you push through that, you’ll find out why so many in our community love this game. 

4) Remember tip 1, “Save all your steel for Champion Status”? With that in mind, don’t use steel to buy scavenger crates in an attempt to get better gear. And don’t put any steel into upgrading any gear. It’s all a waste at low levels. All gear from crates & upgraded gear will be rewarded to you from online matches. So in the beginning, focus on leveling up your hero to at least Rep 8.

5) Lets talk gear. Once you get your hero to Rep 8, you will be getting legendary gear from matches. Then, and only then, should you upgrade any piece of gear or open any scavenger crates you may have. You would do this in order to possibly get perks you need. 

6) Gear perks. When you choose your main, you should be looking at which 2-3 perks you want your hero to have in the future. Some perks are absolute trash, while others can easily help win matches. After you pick a what perks you want, keep the rewarded gear from matches that will help you gain those perks you want. Dismantle all the rest. When you reach between Rep 8-10, your gear should have 2-3 perks.

7) Lastly, don’t spam the chat buttons. Someone that always spams WOW! WOW! WOW! after every kill will be considered as toxic to the community. A simple Good Fight! is enough. But if the enemy player deserves a bit of emote / chat spamming cuz they were already toxic to you, well, you do what you gotta do lol. 

Also as a funny side note, emote spamming is always encouraged. Sometimes just before we brutally kill each other, you have all players on both teams all spamming emotes next to each other for fun. It’s hilarious, wholesome af, & we know we’re all laughing about it. 

That’s all I can think of. Lmk if you got any other questions. Hope you enjoy this game dude. Take care & be safe. 

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