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New players beware. This platinum run is 10/10 annoying.


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All right - it's a few days later, and man - am I sick of this game. 


I'm surprised that such a high percentage of people put up with this plat. The repetitive nature of runs, coupled with the infuriating RNG, has mostly sapped my enjoyment of this title. I don't know - I didn't have this issue with Enter the Gungeon. 


I'm not afraid of grinding, but this grind is just boring at this point.

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This game is not hard at all, especially since you're able to activate God Mode from the get go. Once you unlock a few skills in the mirror, it's almost impossible to die. It can be time consuming, but as long as you focus on talking to everyone from the start and change weapons, you should be finished by the time you reach the epilogue and upgrade all keepsakes.

Edited by GanseySargent
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  • 7 months later...

During the last 10 hours of my platinum hunt when I was just finishing off the keepsakes and Divided by Death prophecy, my mind kept coming back to this post...

As OP pointed out, the 10/10 wasn't for game difficulty (it's definitely a 5 at most) but for how long it takes to finish that said prophecy. After about 10 runs without bumping into who I needed to bump into, I saved my game file before entering the third world, and if I didn't find said person, would load up my save and try again. Using this method you're guaranteed to bump into said person each and every time (to my knowledge). Just write down which doors you try and if you fail, load up and try different doors.

Overall a fun plat and loved the game, but I could have saved myself a few hours if I'd known about the above trick earlier. Platinum took me 76 hours, could probably do it again in 65-70 hours knowing all I do now.

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