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How does it compare to Keep Talking?


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Curious to hear from anyone that has played this as well as Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. I found Keep Talking to be one of the best games I've ever played, which makes me eager to play anything that lives up to it. But less eager to play a poor imitation.


A Google search turns up some positive reviews but I'd be interested in a first-hand account.

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I had a lot of fun playing it, the only negative difference compared to Keep Talking that is worth noting is the length of the game. Once you clear the four or five bombs the game offers there isn't much more else to do unless you want to keep disarming the already defused bombs for fun. They're all randomized so technically you would not be repeating the same bombs.


The difficulty spike is much bigger than Keep Talking. Every module type is hard enough to make it interesting but not frustrating. So even the first bombs are way more complex than the first bombs in Keep Talking.


I recommend it for a quick fun session with your SO or friends, the game is very entertaining if you take turns to play as defuser and expert after each bomb. I'm afraid playing it for the sake of 100% completion won't feel very rewarding though. If you buy it on discount, the price will be a lot more adjusted to the game's length (I found it for $2-3 or so). In terms of gameplay it definitely lives up to Keep Talking while having an own essence as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Picked it up the other day (NA version) and the review above seems pretty spot on. Gameplay about on par with Keep Talking but a very disappointing trophy list. I nearly finished it in one 1-hour sitting with my brother but we couldn't quite finish the hard bomb since we were still learning some of the modules.


I'm not a proponent of adding grindy trophies just to extend the life of a game, but I feel like this one could have benefitted from a "clear X bombs" trophy, maybe in place of the uninspired "run out of time" or "give up on a bomb" trophies.


Given a choice between the two, Keep Talking is a far better option.

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