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[VIDEO] Complete Guide of Missable Trophies & Collectibles


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I made a guide of this new little cat game. A beautiful indie adventure that you can enjoy with PlayStation Plus Premium for "free".
The video has all the colletibles of the game in order: B-12 memories, badges, scratches, music sheets and energy drinks. They can be collected repeating chapters but must play until the next checkpoint.

It also includes all the missable trophies you can do on your first run of the game: the basketball, the TV channels, the vinyl... All easy but some missable if you dont explore enough.

The cuts are done to avoid the spoilers while being clear with all the locations so you can do almost everything in one run. The story puzzles are not included.

The only trophies that aren't here are the story related ones, the two that are intended to do while repeating chapters ("Can't Cat-ch Me" and "Pacifist") and the Speedrun trophy.
The game in slow pace searching for all is around 4 or 5 hours lenght, depending on how much you look into the details and texts. There aren't different difficulties and the game is pretty easy.
The only difficulty is the "Can't Cat-ch Me" trophy, try and error until you have the luck on your side. Speedrun requires completing the game in less that 2 hours but a second run knowing it takes 1h30.

I like to do this type of complete guides for the people who want everything in just one video, i hope this helps someone's Platinum hunt ;)


Edited by Meteoro115K
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