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safe to play now?


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  • 7 months later...

Still messed up (PS5).


Didn't get trophies for beating the final boss, finishing the game, getting the letters, getting the hearts, getting the runes and getting the enemy entry scrolls..


The first 2 were easy enough to get by just beating the final boss again. The enemy entries popped after picking up 1 of the 2 scrolls I missed (which was for a friend character, not an enemy).


The others will take another playthrough. Luckily it's a pretty short game, and if I rush it it shouldn't take too long.


Just be aware, and make a backup save before you pick up any of the final collectibles for the trophies, so you can go back and trigger it again.



During my first playthrough, I did quit out of levels after I picked up the collectibles I missed. That seemed to work fine (as the collectibles did show up in the level status screens). Maybe that screws up the trophies. Just a tought.




Edit: Just finished 2nd playthrough, took a couple of hours, and everything popped without any issues this time. Maybe it has something to do with play session time. Since all my trophies should have popped near the end of the game, and I never closed it from the start (probably 10ish hours). The final boss trophy did pop after defeating him again after a game restart on my first playthrough. It may be worth restarting the game before doing the last levels.

Edited by Ric
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