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Torre HQ no da el trofeo


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"Anyone know why he didn't give me the trophy of completing all the phases of the HQ Tower? I died and in a part of the game he vetoed me for inactivity but I went back in, that has nothing to do or if?"


You have to survive the helicopter stage as well. If you are kicked you will lose all you lose your progress towards the trophy, then you must restart the entire mission again.

Edited by gamercris066
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28 minutes ago, SpiderCerdo1987 said:

Alguien sabe por qué no me dió el trofeo de completar todas las fases de la Torre HQ? Morí y en una parte de la partida me vetó por inactividad pero me volví a meter, eso no tiene nada que ver o si?


You must play all the stage without getting out of the game if you leave it's not going to work. Also if the game kick you for inactivity then is not going to register the process or count you in the match. Also you MUST destroy the helicopter at the end.


Remember this is a english language forum so next time try to ask that way.


Spanish: Debes jugar todo los pisos sin salir del juego ya que en caso contrario no te va a contar para el trofeo. Adicionalmente si te expulsan por inactividad el juego no va a registrar tu progreso en esa partida. Además DEBEN destruir el helicóptero al final.


Recuerda que este es un foro en ingles así que la proxima vez intenta preguntarlo todo en ese idioma.




Edited by IesuHado
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okay thanks 

On 16/8/2022 at 11:17 PM, gamercris066 said:

"Anyone know why he didn't give me the trophy of completing all the phases of the HQ Tower? I died and in a part of the game he vetoed me for inactivity but I went back in, that has nothing to do or if?"


You have to survive the helicopter stage as well. If you are kicked you will lose all you lose your progress towards the trophy, then you must restart the entire mission again.

Ok, thank you very much, I'll try again later 

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