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Get Flithy Rich - Guide (Only 1.00)


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Hi, without unnecessary introduction, here's what you have to do in order to fill your pockets with millions Yen (30 minutes at most)


1. Make sure you're on game version 1.00. The only way to do that is by copying original disk game and NOT updating it. Saves made on the latest version probably won't work, even if you'll decide to reinstall the game. It has to be a new save on version 1.00.

2. By the time you get to Ijincho, you should already have 2000SP ready. If you bought some upgrades beforehand, fear not! Getting 1000SP in this game isn't that hard. Just go fight some thugs, get bonuses, and you'll have 1000SP in no time.

3. Make sure you have access to Secret Gambling Hall

4. Go to Onodera's Wares (left side of the map, under one of Poppo stores)

5. Buy 10-10-1 Charm

6. Go to the Gambling Hall and play Koi-Koi, use the item

7. You should get around 50k gambling points in return. That is equal to 25 platinum plates which can be sold for 200,000Y EACH.

8. Having 5,000,000 Yen, you can now go to Poppo, buy as many hug bombs as you want (one gives you 300SP), and repeat step 4.


Additional notes:

It seems that farming off Mahjong is more profitable. What I mean is, in order to get 100% you'll need to play Mahjong few times. This guide lets you skip this tremendously hard game by buying Peerless Tiles (also 1000SP in 1.00v). Using them in Royal Match gives you 4,000,000 Yen (you pay 1,000,000Y when entering the match), which, when repeated, can net you up to 40 MILLION per one visit.

Do this as much as you want, and also, try using different items on other minigames, since you need to win some chips in all of them.


I hope this guide will be helpful to some people who hasn't started the game yet, and have disk version. Reader, if you're on chapter 2, or 3, making new game save will actually save you time. This way, making money is no problem, and eventually, it's faster to complete the game on 100%.


One more note:

This is a disk version which has been created before "day 1" patch, so it's still a little imperfect (thanks, mr. obvious, that's why we have this glitch). What I mean is that there are some untranslated dialogues in a certain substory. If some japanese words appear on screen (in english version), don't freak out. Leave it for the time when you'll update the game, or just check what to do on the internet.

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