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Coming up to the first day of the group stages for Worlds! All team skins and every championship skin except for riven have been put onto the store with a bundle costing around 20k RP with everything included. Icons for worlds have also been released, with team specific ones replacing your MASTERY EMOTE with one showing support to your favorite worlds teams when equipped.


Mystery gifting for yourself has also been released again, and I got this beauty from it :ninja:



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So I chose EUW... and decided to put a funny experience here

I thought I was shit at this game so I started with intro bot,

I am in battle everything going well when I notice 3 people decide to stick together on mid lane, I mean STICK together they haven't moved down one of them died 30 times ok 30 

I playing as Gnar (yeah I bought him) with a huge difficulty as I heard, but still love playing with him. Die only 8 times because I was left alone on bot or top lane, the other user kept coming and teleporting back at every risk he found or just dying at first. 

Maybe Dota 2 was harder that's why I found this so easy I killed 10 champions so later, they completely abandoned top... yeah they thought top will sort itself out with an invisible person it was hilarious so they started attacking center and I just said ''someone centre or they will defeat us'' response = fuck all NONE so I went centre and actually pushed back two champions at once while the other user just kept dying 30 times with 2 others around her and the other one kept doing the same thing of tele back on bot lane and coming back. So I went all by myself to the very top of the map in the time that it took them from halfway of the map to get to top, literally on the verge of defeat...

I am just doubting people listen tbh it was hilarious. 

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So I chose EUW... and decided to put a funny experience here

I thought I was shit at this game so I started with intro bot,

I am in battle everything going well when I notice 3 people decide to stick together on mid lane, I mean STICK together they haven't moved down one of them died 30 times ok 30 

I playing as Gnar (yeah I bought him) with a huge difficulty as I heard, but still love playing with him. Die only 8 times because I was left alone on bot or top lane, the other user kept coming and teleporting back at every risk he found or just dying at first. 

Maybe Dota 2 was harder that's why I found this so easy I killed 10 champions so later, they completely abandoned top... yeah they thought top will sort itself out with an invisible person it was hilarious so they started attacking center and I just said ''someone centre or they will defeat us'' response = fuck all NONE so I went centre and actually pushed back two champions at once while the other user just kept dying 30 times with 2 others around her and the other one kept doing the same thing of tele back on bot lane and coming back. So I went all by myself to the very top of the map in the time that it took them from halfway of the map to get to top, literally on the verge of defeat...

I am just doubting people listen tbh it was hilarious. 


Bots, those sometimes appear in bot games, ppl have programs that just move the thing down mid and keep killing themselves as bot games are the most efficient ways to level an account to 30. There are people who power level so they can sell teh accounts.

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So I chose EUW... and decided to put a funny experience here

I playing as Gnar (yeah I bought him) with a huge difficulty as I heard, but still love playing with him. Die only 8 times because I was left alone on bot or top lane, the other user kept coming and

 Gnar is EZ tbh


Just not a good time to pick up the game seeing as masteries have changed and its hard to teach according to their new counterparts

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how do you feel about Reignover and Huni leaving???


RIP NA LCS (where they are going from what I understand).  Sad to see them leave Fnatic but I can understand wanting a higher paycheck (and they can demand it at this point).  The good ol camp top lane (aka the Dyrus) won't work on Huni and Reignover has very good map control.

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RIP NA LCS (where they are going from what I understand).  Sad to see them leave Fnatic but I can understand wanting a higher paycheck (and they can demand it at this point).  The good ol camp top lane (aka the Dyrus) won't work on Huni and Reignover has very good map control.


That trick only worked on TSM and Dyrus retired (at least now he can put out the content he always wanted to do).


They are probably going to one of the teams that is being sold (either Impulse or Gravity atm might be others though)

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