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RIP DFG :P at least buffs are coming ay?



"Carry yourself!" "You just have to play better!" They said.... freaking elohell...




Well if you were fed and lost then you must've used your lead incorrectly. Thats what I say when I lose the games I'm fed on, cause honestly those happen too. Elo hell is a barrier you place yourself to try and explain why you cannot win. For example, maybe you bought the wrong item? maybe you got caught? wrong plays? it all adds up really.

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I can never win on classic Summoner's Rift doesn't matter how well i place my wards if i'm just following my minions to the next turret I'm going to get gank by 2 vs 1 most of the time Flash is "useless" at running away. I was once Lucky to use "Recall" and the  3 enemies just missed me :P.


All of my champions are squishy if i'm bottom lane usually the 1 champion ditches me & eventually I get gank 2 vs 1. I play with Jinx, Lux, Janna, Ashe, Ahri, Akali, Master yi.

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I can never win on classic Summoner's Rift doesn't matter how well i place my wards if i'm just following my minions to the next turret I'm going to get gank by 2 vs 1 most of the time Flash is "useless" at running away. I was once Lucky to use "Recall" and the  3 enemies just missed me :P.


All of my champions are squishy if i'm bottom lane usually the 1 champion ditches me & eventually I get gank 2 vs 1. I play with Jinx, Lux, Janna, Ashe, Ahri, Akali, Master yi.

If you place your wards right AND you still allow the enemy jungler to gank you then either you're playing too aggressively (too far up) or you're not watching the minimap every few seconds (no map awareness). Wards are only as useful if you actually watch to see if  the enemy is coming to gank.

Edited by YouDee
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Well if you were fed and lost then you must've used your lead incorrectly. Thats what I say when I lose the games I'm fed on, cause honestly those happen too. Elo hell is a barrier you place yourself to try and explain why you cannot win. For example, maybe you bought the wrong item? maybe you got caught? wrong plays? it all adds up really.


I get where you're coming from, but honestly this game really wasn't my fault. I did everything possible to win but, despite my feed, i couldn't carry the other 3 guys. 

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too far up yea of course why would I let minions pass the corners of the river. I always place them carefully, but if other summoners don't place them I'm always screw. I have excellent map awareness but yea i still get gank at the end.




The red marks are my spot to place my wards yet people still use the yellow trinkets

The blue spots are just wasteful.

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I get where you're coming from, but honestly this game really wasn't my fault. I did everything possible to win but, despite my feed, i couldn't carry the other 3 guys. 

Its hard to carry as adc, unless you decimate the enemy botlane completely. You re too dependant on your teammates protection. Most of the time they wont bother peeling for you so if you take one wrong step you re dead. If the enemy team has a somewhat fed assasin, or a bruiser that can stick to you and zone you well, there is not much to be done. If you were a solo laner with the same scorline you could 1v5 carry, but not with adc even if jinx scales insanely into the lategame. I dont really understand how couldnt kata and wukong clear their backline tho.

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Its hard to carry as adc, unless you decimate the enemy botlane completely. You re too dependant on your teammates protection. Most of the time they wont bother peeling for you so if you take one wrong step you re dead. If the enemy team has a somewhat fed assasin, or a bruiser that can stick to you and zone you well, there is not much to be done. If you were a solo laner with the same scorline you could 1v5 carry, but not with adc even if jinx scales insanely into the lategame. I dont really understand how couldnt kata and wukong clear their backline tho.


Yeah that's the thing. You know, katarina said after the game i should've focused the enemy adc. Like i just have to walk past renekton AND amumu to focus the enemy adc...

That's what i'm talking about, elohell is real because league of legends is a teamgame. The more your team sucks, the less chance you have on a win. Even if you are fed, you can only carry on your own to an extend.  Late game it doesn't matter anymore who was fed and who wasn't. 

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I get where you're coming from, but honestly this game really wasn't my fault. I did everything possible to win but, despite my feed, i couldn't carry the other 3 guys. 


Yeah I know but there must've just been things that havent gone right on your side as well. Even if they seem not there in sight, theres always a chance to win. Idk its just one game from many.

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I've joined tho I'm not sure how it works yet. Gonna look into it more once i hve successfully failed all my exams.


Now that we have 4 people we can do a draft in real time.  You pick 5 players (one for each position) and then 3 flex picks who you can sub for any of your other 5 players.  You also pick one team that will earn you points based on wins/losses with bonus points for teams that win under 30 min.

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Is Ahri a jungler? If  so I redeem myself because i got gank so many times by shaco as master yi. which I hate using & vsing.
Never have 2 adc  facing a PRO kallista(who was lv30) with support Sion(lv24) you will get raped!
You must have proper match up's if not that's what happens 0-6 with jinx just terrible & i was the only 1 placing wards. :(

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I tried getting into League of Legends a few times but the community drove me away. Seriously, people complain about the CoD and FPS crowd, they are nothing compared to the LoL fanboys. 


If I got a group of friends to play with and teach me the basics I might be able to stick with the game, otherwise I have better things to do than be abused by a bunch of neckbeards. 





This. This is the exact same thing with me. I have a lot of patience (I play all games on the hardest difficulty, right out the box, and I'm married..), except with League of Legends. I want to play this game more, and enjoy it, and work on improving my standing with it.. but the community just makes it extremely difficult. Every friend that I've lined up to play the game with me, and help me improve and learn the tactics and Champions.. has ended up bailing on me after two days because their "internet is acting up". Come to find out, they just didn't want to go through the newbie steps again.


So.. I'd give this a shot.. if I had the right people to do it with. Until then, I unfortunately have to write LoL off. :( But, I like the videos, OP. Looking forward to seeing more. :)

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Did I scare you all off with my terrible matches if so no one is perfect?


It's the builds buddy

This. This is the exact same thing with me. I have a lot of patience (I play all games on the hardest difficulty, right out the box, and I'm married..), except with League of Legends. I want to play this game more, and enjoy it, and work on improving my standing with it.. but the community just makes it extremely difficult. Every friend that I've lined up to play the game with me, and help me improve and learn the tactics and Champions.. has ended up bailing on me after two days because their "internet is acting up". Come to find out, they just didn't want to go through the newbie steps again.


So.. I'd give this a shot.. if I had the right people to do it with. Until then, I unfortunately have to write LoL off. :( But, I like the videos, OP. Looking forward to seeing more. :)


that's why you mute those who piss you off. Honestly the community isn't as bad as it sounds. I found now that you don't get people being difficult with you unless you provoke them. I'm not sure how much it is in lower levels where there are a ton of bronze-silver smurfs who are making new accs just because they can't climb on their lower accs and rage at anyone who isn't remotely close to decent on their champ. It also depends on the server. I play on NA which is I'd say the easiest to get along with people but whenever I play on EUW the language differences and culture differences affect the players as well where you get people hating on eachother due to their different nationalities or personalities. I assume it is the same for EUNE

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I don't think it's the builds when you factor in who your facing 5 vs 5. My Lv3 runes will be sweet once i get them all maybe 3 more mths because i don't play enough.

In SR i have to analyze whom i'm facing before i start building. Sivir & Ahri and i bet others their skills return(boomerang action) which yes i have to work on utilizing my mp correctly for both. In master yi case I know suck with him i didn't want the enemy team being him so yea the build suck I wasn't trying.

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I don't think it's the builds when you factor in who your facing 5 vs 5. My Lv3 runes will be sweet once i get them all maybe 3 more mths because i don't play enough.

In SR i have to analyze whom i'm facing before i start building. Sivir & Ahri and i bet others their skills return(boomerang action) which yes i have to work on utilizing my mp correctly for both. In master yi case I know suck with him i didn't want the enemy team being him so yea the build suck I wasn't trying.


Both blade of the ruined king and hurricane are not cost efficient or stat efficient for someone like Jinx. Tiamat (makings of Ravenous Hydra) is not a good item for a Master Yi as it doesn't really work with his damage and the way the champion works. In Normals the enemy team can still play Master Yi if you pick him. Clarity is not a good Summoner Spell right now, it's use is heavily outweighed as that of something like ignite or exhaust or even a heal or barrier. Two Deathcaps on Ahri don't stack, you lack Magic Penetration. Your Sona build is damn awful and I can't help as she is a support and doesn't build any of those items. Even AP Sona, which is quite weak right now doesn't use any of those items. If you need a guide look up here http://www.lolking.net/guides/ or here http://www.solomid.net/guide?


As for Ahris and Sivirs Q's they are very easy skillshots to land and position for so it's not like you have to work on it. Runes don't help that much if you don't build stat-efficient items or items which work well with the champions identity. 


Builds matter a lot in whatever mode you play. In 5v5 it can win you a lane matchup if you itemize against the enemy champion correctly, as well as itemizing versus the enemy team comp (for example a Quick Silver Sash / Mercurial Scimitar for an ADC or Assassin will greatly help versus a pick comp or versus other assassins. Same applies to Zhonyas for mages, as their actives can save you from dying). If you build something like hurricane on Jinx you're giving up on possible DPS for a useless amount of attackspeed and a useless passive. An ADC wants to focus on building AD as well as AS items with Critical Chance not pure AS items that doesn't really help in anything. Blade of the Ruined King is good on any dueling champion or champion heavily influenced by penetration items (corki) so you don't really want it on Jinx as Last Whisper is the only thing you'd really need. 


You seem to lack knowledge of where the champion goes, such as Master Yi doesn't really work anywhere but the jungle as his laning phase is just utter awful, while Sona is a support (bot lane), Ahri is a mid lane mage, and Jinx is an Attack Damage Carry (bot lane). Learn where each champion goes and you will find it easier. Sometimes you will get off-meta picks like Cho'Gath Mid or Teemo Support but those are easily dealt with if you know what the champion is capable of.

Edited by YouDee
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My Builds come from that site. 

2 of Sona's items were correct the other 2 think i don't have enough money because we were already losing.


Two Deathcaps yet it seems to kill the enemy faster & it doesn't say it doesn't stack I got triple kill from that thx to this build.

I'm just staring my Lv 3 runes. I focus on different ruines for different champions like magic penetration, so it was unlikely i didn't need more MP during that fast battle.


For Master Yi yea of course he's a jungler he ganks champions, but during that match i didn't care for my build because i was getting gank by a expert player who was lv 30 & using shaco with all lv3 runes you stand no chance. Pretty much 30 -10 -2 he went & only i was warding. My assist were from his deaths & my only kill was shaco.


During jinx missing out on 3 spots so ignore the hp pots & such. I always go AS first than Cricital with AD..  Like i said before when your facing (bot) lane against Sion & pro kallista you stand no chance.  All of this WAS Normal Draft Pick.

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Yeah that's the thing. You know, katarina said after the game i should've focused the enemy adc. Like i just have to walk past renekton AND amumu to focus the enemy adc...

That's what i'm talking about, elohell is real because league of legends is a teamgame. The more your team sucks, the less chance you have on a win. Even if you are fed, you can only carry on your own to an extend.  Late game it doesn't matter anymore who was fed and who wasn't. 

For real? I played from bronze 5 to gold 3 in season 4 and I tell you, I lost 1 in 5 games approx in bronze. Seriously the only thing i did in bronze was picking pantheon, singed, yi or tryndamere and by reading the game I would be looking for openings where I could push hard and if It went well u could have soloed one lane to inhib in 30 min. 


Not until gold I found that I needed to rely on my team much more, but still some games can easily be done by just "stealth pushing". And realizing how many hardcore players there is out there with multiple accounts rushing trough gold and plat like it were nothing, I just cant believe people still believing in "elo-hell"and not considering that their own ego is to damn high. 

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There's your problem right there, mobafire builds are all pretty much considered a joke, I recommend using http://www.lolking.net/guides/

I'm looking @ both sites @ jinx's Items sets its says the exact same thing. Might I add there's no point wasting 2 skill point for "W" your delaying your escape that's why i use it on "E" because mostly the enemy will uses flash to chase but "E" would stop all that early game.


Of course the updating of the site will take some time put i found out that mobafire builds attack usually yet your site  http://www.lolking.net/guides/ goes by defense.


We can agree to disagree with some  people will argue defense over damage but I rather build my runes armor penetration & magic penetration over damage & defense.

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