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For real? I played from bronze 5 to gold 3 in season 4 and I tell you, I lost 1 in 5 games approx in bronze. Seriously the only thing i did in bronze was picking pantheon, singed, yi or tryndamere and by reading the game I would be looking for openings where I could push hard and if It went well u could have soloed one lane to inhib in 30 min. 


Not until gold I found that I needed to rely on my team much more, but still some games can easily be done by just "stealth pushing". And realizing how many hardcore players there is out there with multiple accounts rushing trough gold and plat like it were nothing, I just cant believe people still believing in "elo-hell"and not considering that their own ego is to damn high. 

Lol good luck winning by splitpushing when your team sucks balls and decides to engage a 4v5 fight, get owned and then blame you for not being there. Elo hell doesnt exists, stupid players do. Oh and just because challenger players who play 10 hours a day can stomp their way till high diamond 1, that doesn't there arent games where you've played extremely well and lost because of your teammates.

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For real? I played from bronze 5 to gold 3 in season 4 and I tell you, I lost 1 in 5 games approx in bronze. Seriously the only thing i did in bronze was picking pantheon, singed, yi or tryndamere and by reading the game I would be looking for openings where I could push hard and if It went well u could have soloed one lane to inhib in 30 min. 


Not until gold I found that I needed to rely on my team much more, but still some games can easily be done by just "stealth pushing". And realizing how many hardcore players there is out there with multiple accounts rushing trough gold and plat like it were nothing, I just cant believe people still believing in "elo-hell"and not considering that their own ego is to damn high. 

I don't understand why these kids make mutiple accounts(smurfs). I understand if your bored & tired of losing @ your diamond Lv, but geez your wasting your life on going through the crap again. Heck I'm not a hardcore player & i just play on 1 account, but i don't wanna hear excuses " oh I'm only on here to help out my friends who on the lower teirs" easiest way to tell if someone is addicted/hardcore player.. Not to mention they go on their smurf accounts & you can tell by the way they play & after the game is won they runaway so fast these have always been the toxic players. I'm a lot older than these players yet I alwyas have a good read on the map & other players.

@SirNikolai: You should get armor/magic pen if your scaling on your abilities are bad and if your AD / AP scaling on your abilities are good enough like Lee Sin's kick then you should get atk damage

 Like I say it depends on what champions i'm facing :highfive:  I will need a lot of rune pages to do so.

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I don't understand why these kids make mutiple accounts(smurfs). I understand if your bored & tired of losing @ your diamond Lv, but geez your wasting your life on going through the crap again. Heck I'm not a hardcore player & i just play on 1 account, but i don't wanna hear excuses " oh I'm only on here to help out my friends who on the lower teirs" easiest way to tell if someone is addicted/hardcore player.. Not to mention they go on their smurf accounts & you can tell by the way they play & after the game is won they runaway so fast these have always been the toxic players. I'm a lot older than these players yet I alwyas have a good read on the map & other players.


I might be an ass for smurfing, but it's pretty fun to play in lower elo. You don't have to be 100% focused all the time, you can just relax and play without losing your lane (so you'll never be flamed at, wich is nice). Besides winning your lane against a smurf is not impossibe, i've lost my lane quite a few times on my smurf. 


I think those "gold & level 5" premades are much worse. Because the gold player does have an advantage over low level players (even if the low level player is a smurf). Winning your lane against a player with a full dedicated rune page while you have none is really, really hard. 

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you can just relax and play without losing your lane. As I can tell their not supossed to be @ my Lv tho way higher.  I've seen lv 20's with no runes filled and still winning their games against dedicated full runes that's when you know their trying not so hard & picking up EASY ASS wins. This is the only reason I dislike smurfs they taken advatange of newer players & beat the odds which seems impossible, but in reality their already Platinum Gold users. These guys are the only ones I flame @ it's pathetic going this way.

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My Builds come from that site. 

2 of Sona's items were correct the other 2 think i don't have enough money because we were already losing.


Two Deathcaps yet it seems to kill the enemy faster & it doesn't say it doesn't stack I got triple kill from that thx to this build.

I'm just staring my Lv 3 runes. I focus on different ruines for different champions like magic penetration, so it was unlikely i didn't need more MP during that fast battle.


For Master Yi yea of course he's a jungler he ganks champions, but during that match i didn't care for my build because i was getting gank by a expert player who was lv 30 & using shaco with all lv3 runes you stand no chance. Pretty much 30 -10 -2 he went & only i was warding. My assist were from his deaths & my only kill was shaco.


During jinx missing out on 3 spots so ignore the hp pots & such. I always go AS first than Cricital with AD..  Like i said before when your facing (bot) lane against Sion & pro kallista you stand no chance.  All of this WAS Normal Draft Pick.


Mobafire guides are horrible, unless they're the ones done by Cloud 9. Sona isn't built that way, she's a support, you start with a Gold item then get sighstone then build utility/support items or tank. Deathcaps do not stack their passives, the AP stacks but you're better off getting a zhonyas which gives the same AP as a Deathcap, costs less and adds new passives and stats. The Deathcap passive is that it increases total AP by 30% which is unique therefore not stackable. Magic Penetration Runes will give you enough for the laning phase but for the total game they give barely any, especially if the enemy stacks Magic Resistance. You cannot get ganked by another jungler if you're the jungler. So what if someone you play against is better than you? I play against people Platinum rated in my Normal games even though I only finished in high Silver last season and typically I still try my best to win, as the place they are at does not show their skill level. 


I am an ADC main. With Jinx she has pretty high base attack speed compared to other ADCs, but in case with most of the ADCs you want an AD+Crit item first, such as Infinity Edge. Sion support is pretty bad, his only utility is landing his Q or E on you which are relatively dodge or can be avoided. Kalista is one of the strongest ADCs right now but I doubt you played against anything close to a professional LCS level Kalista in a normal game, you were probably just surprised by the mechanic that Kalista uses to move around with. Jinx is relatively okay versus kalista as her Rocket range allows poking which Kalista can't simply answer as well as her E can stop Kalista from jumping around. 


Normal Draft Pick clarifies your statement in regard to picking Master Yi. I would just leave Master Yi out in general, and pick a champion which can either outduel him, cc him or have a stronger earlier game than Master Yi (as he is weak without items) 

I'm looking @ both sites @ jinx's Items sets its says the exact same thing. Might I add there's no point wasting 2 skill point for "W" your delaying your escape that's why i use it on "E" because mostly the enemy will uses flash to chase but "E" would stop all that early game.


Of course the updating of the site will take some time put i found out that mobafire builds attack usually yet your site  http://www.lolking.net/guides/ goes by defense.


We can agree to disagree with some  people will argue defense over damage but I rather build my runes armor penetration & magic penetration over damage & defense.


Incorrect, none of the top guides there say anything about Hurricane or attack speed first on Jinx. I prefer to skill her Q -> W -> E in passive lanes and Q->E->W in an active/engage lane (versus leona or thresh) that will try to fight on the level 2 power spike. Mobafire and Lolking do not have a different way of building, the sites are two different guide sites however those who are submitting guides on Lolking have been selected while Mobafire is full off people making joke unreliable guides. 


Also Magic Penetration and Armour Penetration are additives of a Damage build as you build them to enhance the effect of your damage and penetrate the enemy defences (hence the name) therefore your point does not make any logical sense. We're trying to help you to improve at the game so you don't build utter useless shit or play your champions in a way they aren't supposed to be played/aren't made for.




Here it is http://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/dj-sona/

Edited by YouDee
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I'm looking @ both sites @ jinx's Items sets its says the exact same thing. Might I add there's no point wasting 2 skill point for "W" your delaying your escape that's why i use it on "E" because mostly the enemy will uses flash to chase but "E" would stop all that early game.


Of course the updating of the site will take some time put i found out that mobafire builds attack usually yet your site  http://www.lolking.net/guides/ goes by defense.


We can agree to disagree with some  people will argue defense over damage but I rather build my runes armor penetration & magic penetration over damage & defense.

:facepalm: It's hard to even understand that logic man, I know your new at the game but how exactly does leveling another point into E help you escape from an enemy willing to flash at you to kill you? Leveling W: inceases dmg / lowers cdr / lowers mana cost and since it scales with AD it will be much more useful than getting some extra cdr on E.


Your full damage runes/build will seem great at first, but as soon as you face any decent players who know better and will actually target the carries in a 5v5 teamfight, you will die before your able to dish out any of that damage. But I guess if you lose the majority of your games you wont ever have to worry about that, since you will be paired with other people who lose the majority of their games.

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:facepalm: It's hard to even understand that logic man, I know your new at the game but how exactly does leveling another point into E help you escape from an enemy willing to flash at you to kill you? Leveling W: inceases dmg / lowers cdr / lowers mana cost and since it scales with AD it will be much more useful than getting some extra cdr on E.


Your full damage runes/build will seem great at first, but as soon as you face any decent players who know better and will actually target the carries in a 5v5 teamfight, you will die before your able to dish out any of that damage. But I guess if you lose the majority of your games you wont ever have to worry about that, since you will be paired with other people who lose the majority of their games.


Dude responding to him feels like talkin to a stump

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:facepalm: It's hard to even understand that logic man, I know your new at the game but how exactly does leveling another point into E help you escape from an enemy willing to flash at you to kill you? Leveling W: inceases dmg / lowers cdr / lowers mana cost and since it scales with AD it will be much more useful than getting some extra cdr on E.


Your full damage runes/build will seem great at first, but as soon as you face any decent players who know better and will actually target the carries in a 5v5 teamfight, you will die before your able to dish out any of that damage. But I guess if you lose the majority of your games you wont ever have to worry about that, since you will be paired with other people who lose the majority of their games.

First of all you turning my example of Jinx until utterly crap. Listern & read carefully. Once Jinx hits lv2 use your skill point on "E", unless you not tactical like myself. I already know Jinx has no escape method (since Nov 2014), there's a reasonable explaination not to use it on "W". You wasted 3 sec of your time to escape while if your succesful in hiting your enemy which will make them slow, but flash has an jump on you 24/7 early game, so that's why when they already wasted their flash i always drop my "E" skill which if i drop it too early they can flash over it duh.

It figures your too young too understand my penetration method & no point in explaining it to you because you would just twist it up into utterly crap agion.

@ UD177 You should know what MMR is right, so of course i'm losing most of games (not to mention smurf accounts) Once I'm level 30 my lv 3 runes might be 25% complete for my all my champions I bought. So enough of this disrespect wait until I'm @ your level & we will see who's the strategist

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First of all you turning my example of Jinx until utterly crap. Listern & read carefully. Once Jinx hits lv2 use your skill point on "E", unless you not tactical like myself. I already know Jinx has no escape method (since Nov 2014), there's a reasonable explaination not to use it on "W". You wasted 3 sec of your time to escape while if your succesful in hiting your enemy which will make them slow, but flash has an jump on you 24/7 early game, so that's why when they already wasted their flash i always drop my "E" skill which if i drop it too early they can flash over it duh.

It figures your too young too understand my penetration method & no point in explaining it to you because you would just twist it up into utterly crap agion.

@ UD177 You should know what MMR is right, so of course i'm losing most of games (not to mention smurf accounts) Once I'm level 30 my lv 3 runes might be 25% complete for my all my champions I bought. So enough of this disrespect wait until I'm @ your level & we will see who's the strategist


Didn't mean to burst your bubble buddy just trying to help a new player, As for the W & E thing on Jinx; you shouldn't ever need to put yourself in a situation where you will need E @ level 2 it's better to go W for harass to slow your enemy and land rocket shots as Jinx is generally a long range adc and should try to avoid getting harassed/dove at early levels.


Lane dominance is generally determined at level 1 & 2 and the whole objective is to try to get level 2 before your opponent to push your level advantage. The more you deny the enemy of cs/exp the better, so try using jinx's long range to your advantage. As for your "penetration method" I don't need you to explain a thing as I'm well aware of how stats work in this game. For a champion like Jinx whos skills scale extremely well with AD, damage reds are much more valuable then armor pen.


There's no need to get salty, ain't nobody disrespecting man i'm just trying to explain why your build wont work against decent players that's all.

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There's no need to get salty, ain't nobody disrespecting man i'm just trying to explain why your build wont work against decent players that's all.

That's all depending on which champion I use. I'm definitely not saying this is all on jinx why would i give her Armor P over defense

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That's all depending on which champion I use. I'm definitely not saying this is all on jinx why would i give her Armor P over defense

Okay well I won't go into detail about the other builds I saw, but yea for her the correct runes would be: AD reds / Armor Yellows / MR blues / and 1 AD + 2 AS quints


You would be going AD instead of Armor Pen since you can just have armor yellows.



Lol reading these comments are hilarious . btw i know im late What tier did you guys make? I won 7-3 prolims. Got place gold V a week later plat V.

Lol glad some1 is having fun reading em ^^ I went 7-3 as well and got placed in Gold I I'm 24-11 @ plat IV right now though. I never played much ranked so my MMR wasn't very high, but that's all changing this season :D

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First of all you turning my example of Jinx until utterly crap. Listern & read carefully. Once Jinx hits lv2 use your skill point on "E", unless you not tactical like myself. I already know Jinx has no escape method (since Nov 2014), there's a reasonable explaination not to use it on "W". You wasted 3 sec of your time to escape while if your succesful in hiting your enemy which will make them slow, but flash has an jump on you 24/7 early game, so that's why when they already wasted their flash i always drop my "E" skill which if i drop it too early they can flash over it duh.

It figures your too young too understand my penetration method & no point in explaining it to you because you would just twist it up into utterly crap agion.

@ UD177 You should know what MMR is right, so of course i'm losing most of games (not to mention smurf accounts) Once I'm level 30 my lv 3 runes might be 25% complete for my all my champions I bought. So enough of this disrespect wait until I'm @ your level & we will see who's the strategist


What if you're winning lane? Why hold back on the possible level 2 engage without the W which can provide poke? I dont understand why you state November 2014 there were no changes to her then.


Magic Penetration or Armour Penetration is only good if you follow it up with a reasonable amount of AD or the champ has a good scaling. Some champions do better with a lot of penetration items like Katarina or Rumble but you still generally build AP. There's nothing with too young to understand. I've been playing the game since mid-Season 2 and I've studied it and learned a lot on it, and If you, a player below level 30 is trying to argue then at least provide a statistical point to your answers. Each champion has builds which works decently.


MMR is match making rating and it affects your performance. If you're losing games then your MMR goes down so in theory you should be playing with players your level. Again runes don't help all that much if your build is utter trash or you can't play the champion. MMR has bigger effect in Ranked than in Normals. Smurfs generally appear in level 1-15 and rarely anywhere else as there is a large amount of players in the 20-30 region, so I dont understand why you blame "smurfs" for all of your losses. Majority of smurfs are also Bronze/Silver level players.




I went 6-4 in my Placements and went from Silver III to Bronze I, currently Silver V 100 LP climbing back BOYS

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MMR is match making rating and it affects your performance. If you're losing games then your MMR goes down so in theory you should be playing with players your level. Again runes don't help all that much if your build is utter trash or you can't play the champion. MMR has bigger effect in Ranked than in Normals. Smurfs generally appear in level 1-15 and rarely anywhere else as there is a large amount of players in the 20-30 region, so I dont understand why you blame "smurfs" for all of your losses. Majority of smurfs are also Bronze/Silver level players.

Yet my MMR is too dam high if it was too low i would owning these kids. I know the difference between a smurf that's already in gold & one who is @ my lv not to mention these players likely have no runes & they still whoop your ass. I know you likely have a "smurf" but why when there's no logic in it, just like how users create new PSN accounts just to have a better k/death ratio.

Later today I will post my 2 rune pages here even tho there not complete!

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This was a learning process back in December when I realized glyphs are (magic) seals are (defense) marks are (damage). Only question i need clarification on is "Does physical damage have any boost with AP champions?" I know it does with ADC if not that's why you see 2 blue's in my marks for MR"


As a New player my first rune was Tier3 MR for mark but i quickly adapted in the new year..

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This was a learning process back in December when I realized glyphs are (magic) seals are (defense) marks are (damage). Only question i need clarification on is "Does physical damage have any boost with AP champions?" I know it does with ADC if not that's why you see 2 blue's in my marks for MR"


As a New player my first rune was Tier3 MR for mark but i quickly adapted in the new year..

i like ur runes set up too bad i don't adc beside playing graves 

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