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Borderlands 3 Pandora locations bug


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I have been playing the whole game with a friend. When we were on Pandora, my game crashed and it didnt update the two locations we discovered before the crash. it updated it in game, not the trophy tracker. When we finished the main story, he popped the Pandora all locations trophy, but I didnt because I am missing the two before the crash. Does anyone know if there is a soultion to this problem? I tried going to the locations again solo, but it didnt work. Tried to go to Sanctuary and back, still nothing. My friend suggested that I could create a new character and try going to the locations with that character. Does anyone know if there is a solution to this problem or do I need to play the entire game again.

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On 4/7/2023 at 8:29 PM, HuntingFever said:

The Borderlands games are infamous for trophies bugging out in co-op (especially the location ones) so your only real option is to start a new character and redo them from scratch whilst playing solo.

Thanks for the reply. Somehow it popped randomly when I rerevisited some areas on Pandora. My friend is now having problems with the Claptrop mission bugging out. This has to me the worst platinum trophy I ever went for.

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This game has so many bugs that I don't have the energy to list - the DLC especially.  I recommend doing DLC solo and doing them in one sitting where possible as game breaking bugs will occur that prevent NPCs from progressing where they need to, so you can't interact with them to complete the mission...

Back up your save before beginning any of the DLCs, and then save when you have all Trophies of a particular DLC.  BUT keep the initial save before you started any DLC also; just in case.

I've been hit by a few things that prevented completion; luckily I kept backups as I know how notorious these games can be for bugs going back to the first game.

I still don't have the Plat for this, but I have beaten all the DLC except for one, where I need to backup again for it, before I attempt it.  I got tired of the backing up; which is why I got burnt out and haven't done the final DLC yet...

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