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Anyone got any tips for how to get the 2 glitched stealth mission trophies to unlock?


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Does anyone have any tips for how to get these 2 glitchy trophies to pop?



No alarm
Finish the 'Under cover of night' mission without having the guards raise an alarm.




Stealthily enter the manor in "Better late then never"


i have done each mission 8 times and each time followed videos of people doing them but no trophy and even the in-game trophies doesn't list them as done


so any tips to getting them to unlock would be handy 



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After it doesn't pop the first time, you're going to have to delete your save file and try again on a new save. Luckily you won't have to play through the whole campaign again.. Just make sure you have all the other trophies before you do this. (Including multiplayer as I believe trophy data is tied to the save file, or at least back your save file up before doing this)

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From PStrophies

Step 4: Clean up any trophies that you might have missed

Did any of the trophies glitch on you? Fallen Eagle, 10 shots, No Alarm and Unnoticed are all prone to glitching on people. Now it is time to sort those out. Deleting your game saves should give you a second chance to get them, and should help you to solve the problem. Read the individual entries for each trophy for further information.
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  • 5 years later...

These 2 were the only glitched trophy I have experienced.


For the No Alarm trophy, I had reloaded the chapter on mission 2 and this time (2nd attempt) my trophy popped correctly (I'm sure I did everything right on my first attempt as well), I did change nothing (nor even deleted my saves), I have followed the strategy from the german guy.


For Unnoticed, it took me 5 attempts.

I tried to reduce my amount of kills as someone suggested but that made no difference. On my 5th attempt (it was a disaster really) I deleted all my saves of this game (did as well previously), but decided to try without the patch. My 5th run was no different (aside from efficiency) from the 3rd/4th I had, I used the german guy's vids, however I did not kill the second guy on the tower he kills (seems pointless), also during the second camp, I killed only the guy by the river, then no one else (in this area until the alone tower guard when you leave); when you are next to the exit watch out for a guard behind you on a cliff, be sure he does not watch you when you are moving. Also, as suggested, when the checkpoint with the sniper was nearby, I crouched close to a bush on the right and he could not spot me (I did like that from my 2nd attempt).

Also I used the rock glitch, and did not kill the guard close to the end.

The chapter trick (watch cutscene, leave and chapter select), works as long as you delete only the Unfinished Business save, since the other save game (with which you have reached chapter 3 once of course) will read that you have chapter 3 unlocked and will allow you to play it.

Edited by VirtualNight
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  • 1 year later...

i did tried for no alarm trophies and it glitch on me after i did followed on video walkthrough perfect run.

for unnoticed? i was kinda worried about similar situation as no alarm but trophy popped after i done retry 40 times for one spot.

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  • 6 months later...

Game is old as fuck and so is this thread, but I thought I'd add my comments for any future generations since I just got the plat as of writing this.


1. If you glitch, you only need to delete the Unfinished Business save data. You'll still be able to access all three episodes, so don't worry about it.

2. It doesn't seem to matter if the guards see any bodies. It only matters if they see you, and on that note...

3. It's okay if your detection meter raises some, as long as it doesn't fill up all the way. If you're not sure, just try it again.

4. If you do have to retry, I recommend quitting all the way out to the XMB. It's what I did on the run where I got it, and that seemed to do the trick. You might be able to get away with just going back to the menu, but that didn't work for me.

5. If you get all the way to the end and it didn't pop, erase the data and try it again. Don't bother doing it over and over, erasing the data makes it a lot more consistent.


Hope this helps. All of this applies to Unnoticed, of course. No Alarm is quite a bit more forgiving, and I only had to quit out to the menu if I failed that one. All the same, never just go back to a checkpoint.

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  • 1 year later...

I recently did it and here is what I noticed. Sometimes the game will still count an alarm, even if you have restarted the checkpoint. You will see that it did glitch by the fact that the detection bar is unfilled but still red (this means that the game thinks there was an alarm but you broke line of sight which means that the enemy doesn't see you but still is alarmed). You can solve this issue by quitting to the main menu (some people report only complety closing the game works but in my expierence main menu is fine) and then continuing from checkpoint 

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  • 1 month later...
On 5-7-2021 at 1:45 PM, SpaceCoresDad said:

Game is old as fuck and so is this thread, but I thought I'd add my comments for any future generations since I just got the plat as of writing this.


1. If you glitch, you only need to delete the Unfinished Business save data. You'll still be able to access all three episodes, so don't worry about it.

2. It doesn't seem to matter if the guards see any bodies. It only matters if they see you, and on that note...

3. It's okay if your detection meter raises some, as long as it doesn't fill up all the way. If you're not sure, just try it again.

4. If you do have to retry, I recommend quitting all the way out to the XMB. It's what I did on the run where I got it, and that seemed to do the trick. You might be able to get away with just going back to the menu, but that didn't work for me.

5. If you get all the way to the end and it didn't pop, erase the data and try it again. Don't bother doing it over and over, erasing the data makes it a lot more consistent.


Hope this helps. All of this applies to Unnoticed, of course. No Alarm is quite a bit more forgiving, and I only had to quit out to the menu if I failed that one. All the same, never just go back to a checkpoint.

Thanks.. I just spent 12 hours trying to get this.. It is the final trophy for me.. What a nightmare..

Im sure restarting from checkpoint doesn’t work. Im able to shoot every guy on the entire map without alerts consistently except at the start of the final camp. I always kill the guards in the towers from the house in the middle before Checkpoint 4. Whenever I shoot them from the checkpoint overlook, it has alerted them every time. I haven’t tried quitting and then continue. I guess I’ll delete that save first and then try it out.

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Just another note if you’re trying to get this ridiculous Unnoticed trophy.

The guides out there don’t provide an answer to the following questions:

-can you play it on easy and get the trophy?

The answer is yes, you can.

Playing on easy is your best bet as you can use the red dot showing you where the bullet will go.

-How do you know you’ve blown your cover?

Besides the obvious: shooting at you, shouting they need reinforcements, calling you a cobarde, having a glowing full red bar… The EMPTY red bar can give away detection. So for as long as the full length of the bar has never turned red, you’re undetected. But sometimes it isn’t obvious you’ve been detected: the enemy won’t shout, O’neall won’t tell you you’ve blown your cover, but you’ll simply have an empty red bar. This is when you’ve been detected although the enemy hasn’t been able to locate you just like RavieHD explained. At this point the game locks you out from the trophy, and you’ll have to try again.

-Does restarting from CP work? It should work like that, but for me it didn’t. While it did on No alarm. To work around the glitch: You have to quit out every time to the main menu, and then use ‘continue’ under unfinished business.

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  • 7 months later...

The End of a Drug Barron appears to be also glitched. I've got the two other glitched trophies for unfinished business however this one will not pop. I've quit to xmb and tried again this doesn't work, may have to delete the save file and try again after I finish up the other trophies. 

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  • 6 months later...

'The end of the drug baron' also glitched on me, but there is an easy way to fix it.
Kill the guard with the first shot, leaving both barons alive.
When they run out of the building, kill them both before they escape.
The trophy popped in straight away.

'Unnoticed' was much way harder to get but it finally popped once i did the whole level in one go, without reloading any checkpoints.
I've used the rock climb glitch before the last camp.
There were 2 tricky moment in my opinion.
First one is killing the 2 guards on towers before the manor wall. It looks like when you shoot them from the checkpoint on the left side of the bridge, they can raise the alarm without any particular reason. So my tip here is to shoot them down as soon as you enter the section.
The second one is the sniper before the last camp. Hide in the bushes approaching him, and you should be fine as long as he doesn't start shooting to you.
I've played with the latest patch installed, on easy difficulty.
In general you should be fine as long as your stealth bar will not turn red, enemies will not start shooting or shouting.
It's still ok when you see that enemies are looking for you (they start crouching, change their positions etc.) but your stealth bar didn't changed the color to red.

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