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3 hours ago, cronocyde said:


Platinum #146: Far Cry 4 (PS4)

First trophy: 11th Aug 2019 7:11:40 PM

Time to platinum (real time): 10 months, 1 week, 5 days

Time to platinum (in game time): Around 25 hours

Platinum rarity (PSNProfiles): 17.46%

Game rating: 8.5/10

Trophy rating difficulty: 4/10


This game was my first Far Cry game and let's say that I'm a fan now! Even if the game is kinda old at this point, I had a lot of fun. The story was forgettable, but the gameplay really shined and kept me going. The gunplay was fluid and really fun and it was also really cool to explore the map. Which game would you recommend going for now in the Far Cry series? I have Far Cry 3 Remastered, Far Cry 5 and Far Cry A New Dawn.


I have got the plat in 3 X2, 4, Primal, 5, and just got New Dawn plat. 3 is still my favorite. So I would play 3 than 5, new Dawn and Primal.

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35 minutes ago, Mah2c said:





Okay here we go, I'll try my best not be biased here, but I need to give an actual feedback for this one. First of all I need to tell you all that, the original game not only is within my top 10 of all time - the story from it ranks on my top 3 amongst even movies. That game was a life altering experience to me that I still treasure to this day.


Now for the sequel, all I can say without sounding like a fan boy is don't trust leaks ( I still didn't check them even though I already wrapped the story, I didn't read metacritic scores/users reviews, nothing. As a result I was completely oblivious when I started. The final result was one of the best experiences I ever had in my life. This game questioned my morals, played with my emotions and in lot of times my stance towards most characters. 


In the end, I am happy to say that this game was not only necessary but it also delivers one of the best experiences for any player regardless of their background. The raw emotion, the delivery of the characters, the morals, my god man, what a masterpiece. 


Oh and for those wondering, I do think this one doesn't need a sequel. I wanted one, I thought the first deserved, and crushing as it is, this entry was needed. 


10/10 in all aspects. Thank you Sony


Now wow a fan with this PS5, greatness awaits and I can't wait to witness with my own eyes


Here is my plat pic, I'll put in spoilers as I don't want to spoil to my fellow gamers. As a side note I'll just say that this one in particular touched me personally, as I did too, as a child dreamed about being astronaut and loved dinosaurs. 


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I pretty much agree with this entire post word for word.  The Last of Us 2 was only my 20th platinum, but it's the one that I'll be treasuring for a very long time!  I loved this game a ridiculous amount.  I didn't get it spoiled for me luckily!

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