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New Super Lucky's Tale

Enjoyment: 8/10

Difficulty: 4/10


I desperately need more 3d collectathon platformers in my life. The 4/10 difficulty comes from the no damage on certain bosses/levels trophies, and my 8/10 enjoyment mainly comes from my love of 3D platformers.



-Colorful, decent looking levels.

-Collectibles are fun and mostly easy to find.

-Lucky handles well enough, and the platforming is mostly enjoyable.

-A few standout levels such as the carnival level.

-Trophies are largely straightforward.



-The game as a whole isn't overly creative or original

-The levels in which you're in a ball and rolling around to collect coins are absolutely terrible. They handle terribly and are the only gimmick levels that are blatantly awful.

-The statue puzzles aren't bad, but very boring. These puzzles and the auto-run levels give me a feel of a mobile game, and I think that's what they were going for since this is meant to be a kids game. Kids are use to those kind of games now and it would make them artificially enjoy it more because they already understood the premise. The auto-run levels passably fun, but the statues aren't.

TL;DR: Perfectly passable collectathon platformer with some bad and boring stuff.


Edited by ChunkyKong64
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