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Akumu Mode


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This mode might be literally one of the most unforgiving game modes I've ever played.  If it wasn't for checkpoint's, geemanettly. The enemies are super f'n hungry.  I mean really, really fast and their awareness makes them pretty hard, Ok really hard to sneak up on for stealth kills, so that's out of the question in most cases.  (chapter 2 demonstrates this relatively early)


Thought I'd create this as a mini journal with tips and a few stories of my triumphs and failures included.  Feel free to share anything at all, as this is my main reason to create this because this isn't an easy task.


Chapter 2-   I adopted the run immediately upon loading, up the path right at guy standing still, and past him attracting the 3,4 guys right off the bat.  And by accident I headed to the hay bail one time and lit it.  DO this. (wait for them to go close before lighting it, obviously) It works pretty darn well (and was tested many times), and if you die well now you don't have to trying stealth killing the same 2 or 3 guys again.  That time waiting to stealth kill can seem like hours when a section is tossing your salad.


Chapter 6- Run in circles, and flash bolts.  I wish I would've prepared way better for the "two rooms"  I did some seriously running and dodging.


Chapter 10-probably my favorite chapter in the game. 


Chapter 11-One of the more frustrating chapters.  The enemies have guns and are crack shots. 


I actually just finished protecting joseph in the two rooms so I'll hold off on further comments. I've rambled enough.  Ch.6 is simply ridiculous, and that checkpoint start up is immediate!  I can't believe the downstairs room and what they throw at ya.  I'll add more, but here all I can say is have your sprint upgraded to the 2nd best, The top 1 is way to expensive.  And take care of them as you can and run in circles and yell at your tv screen in the hopes joseph can hear you telling him to hurry the fuck up.



Quick heads up before you play:  Your animations are 2nd to the a.i.'s animations.  They have priority over you, so prepare to die in most cases in close quarters.  Lighting a match is the one case in which you are invulnerable for a very short time.  Sometimes though, it just dont' matter.  Run.

Edited by SilkyJay86
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Maybe I'll hold off on my tips then.  B)  I was looking at the percent too a few days ago.  Is there anyway for a percentage to go down?  As in more registered players link the game and don't then achieve that trophy?    Too be completely honest I'm surprised as many people have gotten this mode beat.  I've kind of kept on eye on just this trophy and noticed this.


 I've read that the chapter I'm on (ch.6) is supposably one of the hardest chapters.  So maybe the games lightens up after these two hard parts.   This one hit your dead is no joke.  I swear I'm playing a whole new game.  And it's easy to say this is one of the creepiest games I've played in a long time. 

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I started AKUMU today, and am currently dealing with Chapter 9. For me, it's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. And Chapter 6 is easy if you have a good amount of ammo, and have weapons upgraded, including your crossbow.

In Chapter 6, when dealing with the first round of enemies as Joseph disarms the bombs, I just shot them with my harpoons when they were climbing through the windows, or were standing outside the windows. Once I had no more harpoons to use, (I could craft more, but I didn't want to waste all my bolts) I depended on the two flammable barrels that were near the windows. I positioned them in the front of the windows, and when a enemy tried to enter each window, I shot the barrels, and they got set in fire, and when more enemies tried to climb in, they also got set in fire. If they pushed the barrels, I would just go after the barrels, and kick then towards the enemies, so I can set the enemies in fire. 

By then, Joseph deactivated the bombs, so we went to the next section (and there's no checkpoint, so might be hard for people who don't have much ammo.) In there, as Joseph started disarming the last set of bombs, I just pushed the flammable barrels towards the spot that the enemies will fall on as the ceilings break, and as I wait for them to break through, I hurry alongside Joseph, and wait till the enemies jump down. When they jump down, I shoot the barrels, and (surprise surprise!), they get set in fire. As all enemies that jumped down burned,, I ran after the flaming barrel, and pushed it towards the other incoming enemies. Then I did the same thing for the last remaining barrel. As the flames ceased, I just started shooting enemies by aiming at their feet, and having them fall down, and I set them on fire with my matches. When too many enemies at once appeared, and corned me, (Joseph still was busy disarming the bombs) I took out my crossbow, and used the flash bolts, and all enemies got stunned, so I was able to stab (stealth-kill) three enemies, and kill them in one stab. After my 3rd stab, Joseph finally disarmed the bombs, so I just ran for it and got to the exit. One enemy was behind Joseph, so I used my shotgun on the enemy so he could fall down, as I didn't want to risk him grabbing onto me and kill me.

In the next section, it looks tricky and all, but it's easy, well, if you spam the trick I used. I made sure to save when looking through mirror that transports you to the mental hospital/asylum, and I upgraded my stuff. I returned to the "real" world, and went to the other side, which is right in your right side when you escape form the burning building you previously evacuated. When you take the right side, there's a couple of enemies walking by, so I just killed them, and climbed a ladder which leads to the right and top floor level  of the whole building. There's two (or three?) masked enemies, which have axes. They're the ones that throw the axes at you, if they spot you from afar, or if you're crossing the planks that are set up in the middle of the building on the top floor. I took care of them with my shotgun, and if they dropped an axe, I picked them up and used them so I could kill the other enemies without wasting ammo. You can also kill them in one blow, if they're not fat, or too strong. After that, I ran in the eyesight of the gunners, the guys that are handling the machine guns, the ones that fire harpoons. I got in their sight, then backed up so the harpoons don't freaking mow me down. I kill one of them with my sniper as they're still shooting. You don't need to go for a headshot, in case you don't know. They can die whether you shoot them with your sniper anywhere on their body, or, well, they did instantly die for me.

After you kill one of the gunners, one of the masked enemies below go running towards a switch, and pull it, which opens some metal gates/doors, and a horde of enemies follow after. If you go back to the ladder that you used (or did not use) to climb the top right side of the building you are (or are not) standing on, you can camp there, and wait for enemies to climb the ladder. Watch your sides, as they can cross the planks on your floor level. But as for the ones that are climbing the ladder, WAIT until they completely climb and stand on the floor level you're standing on, and if they are standing before (in front of you) you, just melee them, and they should fall down the ladder, and actually die from the fall. Do the same thing for the upcoming enemies, and once you think there's no more enemies below, or/and if there's no enemies coming up behind you, go and kill the other three gunners, and try to do it quickly. If you kill them fast, the less enemies you'll have to deal with. I think.  There's no infinite spawn of enemies, though. So if you rather kill the gunners when there's no enemies left, then kill all enemies that may risk-in your falling death, and then focus on taking down the gunners.

And that's enough information for now. I hope it makes sense. It came off longer than I thought it would be. i suck at giving out very specific and helpful details, but I'm just sharing strategies that people may not know of, or thought that were not possible to use.

Edited by jack21_98
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Jack attack...   As you stated chapter 6 could be a little more manageable with more ammo.  But it is anything but easy.  And by that I assume you mean (saving) and disarming those traps throughout with the ridiculously small green area you have to hit?  I haven't disarmed one.  That's a pretty solid idea now that I think about it, but I was dying enough and when I progressed I wasn't going to risk disarming them or taking anymore time for the few traps I saw at any given time.


  With that being said I feel that I did as good of job as I possibly could managing ammo up till this point.  I don't know if your fire barrels last longer than mine, but when I was playing they would disenagrate and disappear after being lit.  They'd lasy maybe 7-10 seconds.  To starting pressing x and use the kick animation with these enemies is almost certain death.  It's pretty clunky.  It might have worked out with some sheer timing and plenty of luck, but I can't recommend making barrel kicking a routine, especially in that bottom area when protecting joseph.  This is what makes this game so sweet though, everyone has a different playing strategy, everyone controls him differently, and everyone gets through different situation with different tactics. 


-When I first posted... I thought chapter 6 was nearly over.  I was so wrong last night.  I had a ton of trouble protecting joseph when he was cranking open the huge wooden gate after the numerous sections.  I had 6 handgun bullets, 1 sniper shot, and the two harpoon bolts you can pick up after the cutscene when the hord is storming across the bridge.  Each try was desperation.  I finally got it.  And that boss with the bear traps laying around in the open ground really, really gave me trouble.  I turned the game off last night right after 6 was completed.  I'm shocked how long it was.  How utterly difficult and brutal it was.  If I knew what I was going to get myself into last night, I might have thought twice.

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Jack attack...   As you stated chapter 6 could be a little more manageable with more ammo.  But it is anything but easy.  And by that I assume you mean (saving) and disarming those traps throughout with the ridiculously small green area you have to hit?  I haven't disarmed one.  That's a pretty solid idea now that I think about it, but I was dying enough and when I progressed I wasn't going to risk disarming them or taking anymore time for the few traps I saw at any given time.


  With that being said I feel that I did as good of job as I possibly could managing ammo up till this point.  I don't know if your fire barrels last longer than mine, but when I was playing they would disenagrate and disappear after being lit.  They'd lasy maybe 7-10 seconds.  To starting pressing x and use the kick animation with these enemies is almost certain death.  It's pretty clunky.  It might have worked out with some sheer timing and plenty of luck, but I can't recommend making barrel kicking a routine, especially in that bottom area when protecting joseph.  This is what makes this game so sweet though, everyone has a different playing strategy, everyone controls him differently, and everyone gets through different situation with different tactics. 



No, I don't disarm the mines, as I'm not gonna risk getting blown up. Really ain't worth disarming the mines  just so you can get bolts for your crossbow. I just use the traps to my advantage by having enemies walk beside the mines, and I shoot at the mines. Most enemies did instantly die (well, blow up to pieces) from the explosions, except for the fat ones. But as the fat ones fell, I just burned them with my matches, as they can also sometimes stand up pretty quickly. Well, for me, AKUMU is pretty easy, and I think that it's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. But of course, it's easy for me cause of the strategies I use, and yadda yadda. Took me like 30 minutes to beat Chapter 6, while most people I know took over 2 hours to beat it. The  gigantic boss dog (or wolf?) was easy for me to take down, since you don't get to kill him, so the battle ain't as long as the other bosses battle tend to be. In my first encounter with the giant dog (wolf?), I was able to take him down quickly, BUUUUUUUUUUT I walked over the grass, and *surprise surprise* I stepped on a bear trap, and it killed me. The bear traps killed me at least 3 times. I actually didn't know there were bear traps, so I had no idea what was killing me until I observed around the environment of the area, and noticed the (kinda hidden) bear traps.

And oh, about your barrels disappearing... wow, I guess mine are longer or something. Mine usually lasted 9 to 11 seconds. But yeah, every guide I've seen, or videos I've seen of people going through AKUMU mode, all of them have different strategies. I love AKUMU mode though, makes the game even more suspenseful, and scarier. (if you're not tired of dying over and over AND OVER AGAIN, that is.) So far, I've only died 27 times. But I think the last hard chapters I'll have to deal with is chapter 10, and 11. Last chapter can be challenging if you don't have enough ammo for your weapons, that's for sure. But as for me, I'll be depending on my crossbow, and magnum... If I have enough ammo, of course. Thank god the last boss is actually easy... I'm sure some stuff have been added (or not) for AKUMU mode, but I'll see about that. In the ending, in whatever difficulty you're playing, you'll always die instantly if hit by the boss, so at least we may or may not get the same treatment as before.


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I've died easily over 100 times in chapter 6 :lol:     That drooling gargoyle that's super, super thirsty who jumps out of the damn bushes and charges you, brushed my hair back who knows how many times. 


I"ve been following this guy (I don't sign in, or know him and I don't do anything youtube)  named seraphim17 who's doing a AKUMU walkthrough with no upgrades and no keys.  I've actually enjoyed watching him play and hearing what he says.  I haven't watched him that much, but it's quite interesting the tactics he has to use as he's not anywhere near our players strengths or our weapons.  Oh and about the barrels, maybe I'm off a second or two?   I'd use them as obstacles and run accordingly when there where set on fire, but never did I shoot a barrel then run towards it kicking it, especially in that bottom run room.  That would've got me in real big trouble, real fast having seb stop and do his mini kick animation on the barrel to roll it whereever.  He's basically standing still to do so.  Upstairs I can see how the barrels were more key, as I used both pretty well.  The bottom I think you just need to focus on stay alive.  Obviously.   There's no time in bottom to set up, as what I seemed to see.   Who knows with this setpiece, but like we've said everyone does it different.


Has anyone noticed a few more glitches and bug on AKUMU?  My ps4 crashed 3 times a few nights ago.  Nothing sense.  The long haired lady, (you have to light her on fire)  I killed in the very first fire pit... Thing is I had just been killed by her about 10 times.  AND you have to burn her well over 5. 6, or 7 times.  I was shocked... Maybe she had enough.


-- I've found more keys in the AKUMU playthrough so far, then my surv run.  about 9 or 10  :giggle:           Good luck!


Edit:  Gargoyle

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Whoo first post.


Anyway, I actually made an account because the thread intrigued me. I dunno how far you've guys have gotten yet, but I came to warn you of some speed bumps down the road. I actually just got done with the 2 Keeper fight in Chapter 15, so I'm getting pretty close to the plat now.


I jumped straight from Survivor to Akumu (well, just didn't try Nightmare) but from what I saw of it, they really mix things up in a few of the last 5 chapters (namely starting with 10 imo), almost to the point where it's sadistic. I mean, it's not hard once you understand what you're dealing with, but just at the moment of your first time through the area, it's like they intentionally threw things in just to mess you up. 


For example, you think the bear traps on the dog fight were bad? Guess what? They put some in the Laura fight in Chapter 10 too. Actually, they're in pretty much every section of her fight where you're constantly trying to run away from her - even directly in your path. Needless to say, it's a major kick in the teeth because you're clearly not paying attention to the ground (given the camera) during those moments, and I ended up dying to just about each one.


And there's more than that. In some areas, they completely remove what was found in Survivor, and replace it with something completely different. In Chapter 11, in the mannequin factory where it explodes if you fire a shot, that first section has the 2 large enemies with hooks patrolling around. In Akumu, these are replaced with 3 of the floor spin-blades, giving the entire area a RNG effect to it, since there's virtually no way to predict how they're going to move.


All in all, Akumu's turned out to be extremely typical in these types of modes where you're trying to do something specific (Extreme runs in MGS2 and MGS4) or on very hard when they supply you with virtually nothing (Bioshock Infinite) - I'm actually kind of surprised that the plat is currently an ultra rare, but I wouldn't be surprised if that changed as time went on. It's just a matter of patience; keep retrying until either the RNG gods smile upon you or you understand what each and every section is like, and how you're supposed to approach it. 


One piece of advice I can give in full confidence is - get the locker keys, they make a huge difference. I was really worried about the Chapter 14 boss fight since I always felt it took forever, but since I had opened all but one lockbox, I had plenty of gel to upgrade my Magnum to 200%, and the fight ended in like 20 seconds with 5 or 6 bullets. At that point I realized that the 2 Keeper fight in Chapter 15 was going to be a cinch, and it was: I killed both of them in 3 hits with the Magnum, and the second one didn't even get halfway through the big pool at the start.

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Welcome whirled, you big balled son of a gun!  You came to the right place!!  I really, really, enjoy reading these modes stories from everyone...


After a few days break from this game I've now hit that lovely chapter 11.  Chapter 10 seememed to last forever.  I had more trouble with laura then the garage fight.  Stealthing the garage fight for the opening sequence is the way to go.  I used the sniper to shoot the eye from behind the pillar until his second phase.

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And I finally reached the ending. I could have beaten the game 3 days ago, but I got sick, and I got headaches when playing video-games, so obviously it wouldn't be wise if playing "The Evil Within" in AKUMU mode when sick, and already frustrated before even starting up the game. I'm not gonna beat the game in AKUMU until this league that I joined here in PSNP starts, but once the league starts, I'll beat the game right away. I'm basically 10 minutes away from beating the game in AKUMU. For me, AKUMU mode still ain't as difficult as people make it out ti be. But then again, AKUMU is about strategies, it's not even about skills. Well, I mean, the skills help a lot, of course, but strategies still are what can help you get through AKUMU. I had a blast going through AKUMU, aside the moments in where I was too angry and frustrated, because I got killed by the game's glitches, pop-ups, bugs, etc. It really felt like I was playing through a different game when playing through AKUMU, and it made the game feel more suspenseful, and even scarier.

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I'm guilty of having a few threads already so I'll put this in here.  I'm curious if anyone has thought about going for a no upgrade speed run?  on casual yes, but with no sprint upgraded this could be hard.  Sounds like a fun challenge... Think it can be done?  I might just go for it.

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plz someone give me some tips for ch 6 first check poinit into the house i died over 80 times there and stil cant get past it i go some shootgun shells revolver ammo and all types of bolts exept the the fire bolt someone help i was ready to smash my ps4 yesterday i have dealt with a lot of hard mode game but this is ridiculous

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plz someone give me some tips for ch 6 first check poinit into the house i died over 80 times there and stil cant get past it i go some shootgun shells revolver ammo and all types of bolts exept the the fire bolt someone help i was ready to smash my ps4 yesterday i have dealt with a lot of hard mode game but this is ridiculous


I just finish chapter 6 on akumu mode.For the first checkpoint, upgrade flash bolt to the maximum level 5.I hope you have at least  18 trap parts to make at least 9 flash bolts.


For the first room with Joseph, kill the first two enemies with shotgun or gun.For the next enemies, use flash bolt to blind them.Dont try to kill any them to prevent new enemies to come.When they recover,shoot the next flash bolt.In my case, I just  use 3 flash bolts.When Joseph open door,rush quickly to new room.


For the second room,stay on the corner of room near Joseph.Kill first 2 or 3 enemies with shotgun until you 4 or 5 enemies start to invade the room at the same time.Quickly use flash bolts to blind them.Dont kill any of them to avoid new enemies come into the room.Once they recover,shoot flash bolts again.I need only 5 or 6 flash bolts before Joseph open the door.


That is my tips for the room with Joseph in Chapter 6.I hope you have enough green gel to upgrade flash bolts and enough trap parts.If you dont,it is going to be a very painful experience indeed. :S


Once you succeed, I would like to give you another bad news, outside area with harpoon shooters and giant dog boss are also extremely difficult. :blink:

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do it eternal!  and @Shaz...  juuust about everyone will not reach that room with that many trap parts, unless your saving and going after trap parts, but the green part is ridiculously small and frankly it's not worth your frustration.  Hey but I could be wrong.  That is a good strategy... have as many flash bolts as you can muster. 


@sotmarston take care of first wave or two... use the fire barrel obviously,  If your low on ammo wait for them to bunch up and get your matches out after a shotty shot.  On akumu though I took care of enough to where there was JUST enough room in the room to run in circles... Timing my sprint and angles so that they couldn't hit me.  they get very close though and hold your breath till joseph gets the door open.  The sick part about this part is your only half done now.  and frankly the bottom room is worse than the top.  I got so lucky in the bottom room so I didn't get to experiment more than 3 or 4 times.  The biggest factor in this two room hell is the lack of space to navigate.  In the top room there is a flash bolt on the table in the rear of the room.  Just in case you didn't know it was there.  THat way then if it's the first time picking it up, you can now create those bolts.  This was the case for me.  I didn't have a flash bolt before I picked it up in that top room of chaos.


Chapter 6 is one of those chapters where you think it's over, but then you're like oh yeah!  that part.  That sniping section can be hard as well, along with both fights after that.  When you hit both those huge freaks in the maze... I think it is.  run by the first guy and to the area where the 2nd freak spawns and get into the safe spot in the concrete block with the mini path in it.  You can safely sit there and make fighting both of them... nothing at all.  Frankly if you wanted you could sit there for awhile and let joseph kill both of them.  And well with beast that jumps out of the bushes... man did I not like that animal.  And those traps.  The shotgun knocks him down if you time it right when he charges.

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plz someone give me some tips for ch 6 first check poinit into the house i died over 80 times there and stil cant get past it i go some shootgun shells revolver ammo and all types of bolts exept the the fire bolt someone help i was ready to smash my ps4 yesterday i have dealt with a lot of hard mode game but this is ridiculous


Chapter 6 is a struggle for a lot of people, including myself, so we all feel your pain about it. It's reading like I had a similar experience as SilkyJay here:


It's entirely possible to not use any flash bolts in the first section. After many retries, I found out you certainly can kind of just "kite" some of the enemies around the room. It's entirely possible (although risky) to kite all 5 enemies in that room; the 2 enemies you start out with, then the first "wave" of 3. However you can reduce the risk by killing the first 2 enemies (I tried to herd them near a barrel then shoot it, but you need to keep your distance to make sure you don't kill yourself). If you ensure to only kill those 2 enemies, only the first wave will come and no more. Kiting 3 around the room is doable, even without max stamina (I was at level 3 at the time), but be aware you have to keep a real close eye on your stamina, as you get slower when it's almost depleted. It takes some practice, and you might die to the ever-present random BS, but it's possible.


Like Jay said, you have to get a feel for how the enemies attack - usually they end up doing kind of a "running attack" at you. When they get close enough, they'll execute it, and most of the time it's easy to get out of range, particularly when you sprint right before they try. If you manage to evade it, their attack animation lasts a couple of seconds, giving you a window to regain some stamina. It sounds kind of easy on paper, but like I said, it takes practice to get a feel for it. The trick is to try to herd them together, and get them to the point where they'll all attack you at the same time, when they're all right next to each other. This gives you a better opportunity to evade all of them, giving you a greater window to recover.


The second section however, is incredibly difficult without flash bolts. I managed to get through it with level 4 flashes - it's not so much the duration that gave me problems, but the fact that it wouldn't affect every enemy, and I usually had one of the 6 or however many running after me. I think I actually managed to luck out some here, because I had some serious close calls, but I did try to crowd control some with my shotgun, to try to keep the extra one or two I missed on the ground.


Try your best to eye Joseph after a while in the second section - in the attempt that I finished it, he didn't even say anything about him being done, and only did when I noticed the door was open and ran close to him (maybe a bug?).


I can give some more advice about the rest of the chapter (or any other) if anyone wants, but it'll be more or less out of memory at this point. I'm right at the last checkpoint before the last boss in chapter 15. I decided I might as well wait to plat it and make it my next plat milestone.

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I finished ch 6 last night and i have to say i had over 180 deaths in the end mostly on first checkpoint inside the house and in the dog sentinel fight  guys for those who want to start this mode i have to say that this mode is going to test your patient to limits especially in ch 6 im on ch 10 now and it is not too difficult just dont wast some much ammo on enemies attention if anyone new to this game wants to start akumu mode he must be ready to face an extreme challenge good luck to everyone

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Widow sounds like you're set, jeez.  But like I stated and you quoted, if you're not saving and going after trap parts with that tiny ass green safe zone then you probably won't reach chapter 6 with many trap parts.  You must of disarmed like every damn trap.. haha.   Odds are as well that you are using most ammo in many cases with this difficulty.  The enemies take more hits than snoop dogg.  I'm going to assume you did just as I said.  Most will not because it's simply not worth the dying on akumu, and the reloading... When you will be doing plenty of that.  :giggle:



Chapter 6 top room-  I figure to add this if anyone (I had a write up last night, one of my more coherent ones, and the url tab got pressed and the site froze) is having trouble with the immediate start up that top room has. I suggest immediately running to the back right corner (right by the door joseph will be unlocking) and shoot the first fire barrel right as the first two enemies might touch it or near it.  If they do touch it and move it the slightest bit you will kill yourself when you set it on fire.  You're just far enough away in the corner.  Then I would head to the 2nd barrel (the last barrel in the room) and kick it towards the window it is lined up with.  And while you do this this is your chance to set up/grab the flash bolt on the table and pursue whatever strategy you want to do in the hopes of surviving.  Just having a plan instead of scrambling right off the bat makes all the difference and thinning the field off the crazy fast checkpoint start up instead of having to shoot them and tuck them in properly, now you can dispose of the first wave or two pretty darn easily. 


Hope the first fire barrel tip works for getting people started with these two rooms.  Look forward to hearing what works. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

done epic just 12:41:22 and 224 deaths that was challenging 

I died.... wait for it, wait for it.  Ok, suspense is nearing the end......  7 hundred and 10 freaking times.  I've have yet to hear of anyone having this number.



BUT.. I do know that exitting and reloading your checkpoint rather than letting the natural restart after a death will negate those deaths prior.  I literally never did this.  Again tho, it's a little embarressing to know that I was killed 3 qtrs of a thousand times.   :wave:  :facepalm:  :S   If i got through it, anyone can.       :blink:

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