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Whats this game like?


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It's a pretty grindy game to be completely honest.  The game is fun at the start (I mean come on you're a space ninja) but the grind tends to wear people down very quickly.  If you don't mind that then the trophies are not particularly difficult and the game is free and doesn't require PS+.

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  • 1 year later...

Honestly, It's a great game. If you like Destiny, you'll love this. Also, the beginning of the game is not the fun part, the fun comes much later in the game as you unlock mods and weapons. Even other Warframe you can unlock. This is a free to play game, but everything in the game can be found farming. I does have a very large learning curve, but well worth the time. I have a couple hundred hrs into it and stil play almost every day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Old topic, but I may as well throw in two cents for anyone else who may be thinking the same as the thread's OP. The trophy grind is real, but to be honest the game's kinda grindy in general. Despite this, I find the game's core mechanics to be entertaining enough to make this grinding process more fun than you'd think.


At the beginning? Yeah, the grind can feel like a chore. But if you get over that initial hump, OR don't mind shelling out some money for premium currency (It's a free game, I don't mind throwing some of my money at it, especially if I enjoy it), you can get some new gear that can really change up how you play. Either way, given it's free, I doubt you'd regret giving it a spin. Even if it turns out too grindy for your tastes, it could still prove to be some fun while you learn the ways of the space ninja~

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I dig it a lot. I love the movement, character and weapon variety, and the depth of customization for every aspect of the game. It is super grindy, but 400 hours in I still have plenty to do and haven't even touched the raids. I got the 100% and still play it regularly. The devs are coinstantly making new content and polishing and updating existing assets, character balances, and all sorts of stuff. Speaking of the develpment team, they stream a few times a week and interact a lot with thier player base, and do a lot of giveaways and community events. Starting out, there's kind of a wall of knowledge, but there is ample info on youtube and the wiki. I hadn't had too much experience with a toxic community, but region chat can be atrocious at times I've seen and I know of community drama, but it's far outside my sphere (besides DDos attacks...). The game has its share of glitches and crashes, server issues accompanying updates, but they are on their hotfixes and are generally good to the community. Also certain gear is tradable in game for premium currency, so with some time and effort, everything is available for free, money can just get you what you want faster.

If anybody else plays, is getting into it, or needs help, they can hit me up. I'm not toxic unless I'm running my Saryn.

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