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This game is AWESOME


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So I just got this game, and although I am only on the first episode, the desicions and the whole storyline alone just makes this game just heart wrenching. I also like the artistic style of a comic book, and the characters. Overall this game is good and I would recommend for anyone.

but most of your decisions doesn't even matter in telltale's games, from the thousands of "decisions" that the game gives you only a few of them (1 or 2) matters and the walking dead 1's ending is always the same not matter what you chose.

for example if you chose to save the girl or the guy at the pharmacy they will always die in the following chapter, illusion of choice as its best.


if you want to play a game where there are more choices that actually matters you should play Heavy Rain and Until Dawn where everyone can die or live depending on your choices, because telltale's games are not very good in that aspect.

and i'm not saying that every single choice on HR and UD matters but comparing them with all the other similar games these games have more impactful decisions than any telltale's game, and their budget is bigger giving that they are AAA exclusive games, not some PS2 indie game like telltale or life is strange.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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