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Pure Pool Dlc


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So for the 22 people who have managed to plat this game kiss your 100% good bye for now.

Not many people gonna be pissed with this, lol. I wonder why taking this long to release DLC though? Most of the hype (or whatever) for this game should be long dead by now. It's just like the Retribution game. Unless this is a dirty strategy against trophy hunters that think it's safe to buy the fame and have the 100%, but then you can't.

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don't know anything about nsooker. my friends told me you ned to pot every single ball for hte 147.  this game has gotta be up there w/ some of the hardest plat and 100% out there.  not clue how im gonna get the plat as i am not consistent at all on pro, let alone master.  so hard to see the angle on long shots imo, and if u stand up, then the aim is changed.

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You don't only have to pot all balls in one go, but have to do it in a certain order. 15x red and black after each other (=15*1+7 points = 120) and afterwards all six colors in a row (2+3+4+5+6+7=27).

It's total madness.


Take a look at this fella doing it within 5 minutes. Amazing.



Wow, just wow! That is insane. I doubt I would ever be able to that.

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Ronnie O'Sullivan has been the worlds best for quite some time, and he has 13 (yes, THIRTEEN) 147 breaks to his name at present. He's even regarded as one of the best Snooker players ever to of graced the billiard table.

I'll never get the 147 break trophy on Pure Pool, and I'll have the upmost respect for anyone who does manage to pull off this feat. The difficulty is the lack of view and viewing angles, watch any professional snooker match and you'll see them walk around the table, look at the balls, their positions and calculate ball rolls and the likes. Snooker is very much a precision sport, something that can't be easily replicated using a controller in a game.


Best of luck to those trying ~

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My thoughts exactly. Probably "easier" on a real table than on a computer/console. You know, I don't mean "easy" in terms of "easy". But exactly as written above, I think with all the different viewing angles and personal skills like effet and so on, which are hardly reproduced on a controller, it will feel completely different.

On the game International Snooker vor PS3 and Vita there are 44 people in total tracked here, who got a Maximum Break. Hat's off to anyone able to pull this off.

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