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Progress Stopping Glitch (Minor Institute Spoilers)


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I'm on the short mission Mankind - Redefined where you need to meet with the Directorate in the Institute. For a while Father wasn't showing up in the meeting room, but after a lot of fast travel and reloading he showed up, but I'm still not able to attend the meeting. When I walk up to Father, he just says let's talk after the meeting and all the other attendees basically say the same. No amount of leaving and returning or loading saves is changing this. Has anyone else seen anything like this?


Side note: I have also have the brotherhood mission From Within and the Railroad quest Underground Undercover hinging on attending the meeting so this one glitch has halted all progress.

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I tried one in an earlier part of the mission and one right before it started but I run into the same problem. From what I can tell, when you meet Father on the roof of the CIT ruins, he stays there for me until I fast travel to an area near there and then he teleports straight to his seat at the meeting at which point he says we can talk later. From what I've seen in other people doing this mission you take your seat and Father makes his way in, but for me he's either completely missing or already in his seat.

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It seems I've been able to fix it at the cost of about 4 hours of progress, but better that than a total softlock. I went back well before this quest and ran through everything again. I think the problem was that after my conversation with Father on the roof of CIT, I didn't give him enough time to teleport away, so the game didn't know what to do with him. After letting the whole conversation and his departure fully play out, things seem to have returned to normal. 

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A glitch happend to me for a mission were I had to go to an Insane Asylum and help find a guy. The only reason I started the quest was because I needed one of the bobble heads. Right after I got he bobble head I left so I could get the rest of them then I went back to the place to continue the mission and it wouldn't let me talk to the guy I needed to talk to too continue the quest...

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  • 1 year later...

Just for future reference, if anybody has this problem again, what I did was take my Explosive Round Shotgun to the roof of CIT Rotunda, and let loose some rounds where he was standing and somehow that actually fixed it for me.

Edited by Stevieboy
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