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"The Challenger"


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Ok my tip is for any poor soul who is playing this turd in a few months for some sadistic reason: Use F.A.Vs. Temple map. Get less than 100 friends. Team Deathmatch. Use a secondary account for easy challenges (aka crappy).

Worked for me finally. I was trying Temple BUT I was using tank and I kept getting a single challenge. After switching to F.A.V the challenges for a strange reason started to pop up even more.

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So, i'm only missing this trophy and the 3 simultaneous kills for the platinum.
Every now and then i surpass challenges in a map, but then they stop appearing for the whole match.
Then the game prompts me to send a challenge to the friend i've just surpassed aaaaaand... that's it.
I'm basically stuck.

Any help?

(yes i do have more than 100 friends. more than 800 actually, and i can't really remove people for a sh*tty reason like this..)

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Well then, how to boost it?

Can i ask a new-to-the-game friend to do poorly in a map and then beat his scores in a private match, maybe?


Problem is, those new friends will almost never show up for challenges.

They said they patched this trophy for 1.09, but I think the only improvement is for people who never got constant notifications (me) but the "more than 100 friends" thing probably remains.


Maybe ask around in their forums and see if they may be able to patch it for 1.10 or 1.11.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, a little update here.
I got this trophy last night while playing with my gf.
It seems that, playing in a party, the challenges pop up every game and, on top of that, i got the trophy on the first one i've tried even if i was missing the points required!
So, if someone's stuck with this like i was, try playing in a party for 2 or 3 matches, maybe it will work for you too!

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  • 1 month later...

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