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Would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the trophy list.

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Actually the trophies aren't going to be that bad as leveling is pretty fast. Been playing it for 2 days now (20ish hours/ did 60ish missions) and probably around 30-45% done. I thought it would be repetitive but every location is very different since areas are locked. Granted once you gain the ability to unlock them I foresee it being very repetitive. There is an overall story and from what I heard there are a total of 20 chapters (at chapter 12)

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I just started it up after getting my account back from a hack attack yesterday.  It's an interesting spin to a standard tower defense.  I'll say that I am enjoying it (currently on chapter 8).  The grinding aspect doesn't seem too bad, then again I've played much much more grind needy games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on chapter 11. The trophies don't look bad at all and seem like they'd all be acquired naturally by playing and beating the game, except for the 1 million R&D and raise all cities to 20. Even the 1 million R&D doesn't sound bad, already have 100,000 at all times without much effort. To my understanding some late game feature will open up that should make grinding very easy. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

There is 23 Chapters and the grind part at the end is fairly easy and boring.


I'll give the game credit tho, the game itself is a refreshing take on tower defense, however by the end all your cities are built in the 8 possible lanes and you don't need that much rotating anymore

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  • 3 months later...

My apologies, I copied and pasted a previous post to here, because I feel people need to hear this.


Have you ever wanted to not be treated like an idiot? To not have your time wasted? To jump straight into the action? To not have your hand held with everything you do and every choice you make?

A little clarification: if you look at the box art, or the trophy page, or hell, even my banner, you can see it stars your typical generic animu shmucks. And they like to talk.


At every moment.

At any time.

Every selection you make.

Every battle you come back from.

Every weapon you buy.

Every level you select.

Every tower you build.

Every tower you demolish.

The same. Stupid. Shit. Over. And over. And OVER.

The kicker? The game won't let you ignore them. Oh no. You can mute the voices. You can turn of dialogue boxes. But they never go away. They are always there. Mouths flapping. Stopping you from proceeding til they get their piece out. Those two options? Worthless. Completely and utterly WORTHLESS.

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  • 4 months later...

This game is very repetitive. My advice is to make your cities defensible from all sides and just start a strike and go do something else for a few minutes or watch a show. I think I watched all of the first season of Man in the High Castle while playing it on the Vita for the last week or so. I'm STILL NOT DONE! 


It's the same way as you would with a visual novel after you've beaten it once and have to do the other million endings for the platinum (you completionist you). 

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  • 1 year later...

The last 2 posts are on point. I'm back to platinum this game after playing it on release. The anime chars will not stop commenting which slows the game down. The grind is real and getting all operators to 25 and cities to 25 is what I'm doing now. The game is not hard by any means but the fun is stripped away after a few hours of doing the same thing over and over again.

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