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As these trophies are unlocked?


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Good afternoon I open the topic to see if you can say I have to do and how to unlock the following trophies as they can not. Trophies are :


Friends With Benefits


History Will Absolve me


Let Them Eat Cake


The bay of Pigs



Thank you very much

Edited by Ohkouchi
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Friends with benefits


Had relations higher than 90 with all factions in the Modern Era

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This is one of the trophies that you will have to go out of your way for as it is virtually impossible to reach this during the campaign or even by natural play in a sandbox game. Set up a sandbox game with the lowest difficulty for economics and politics in the modern era, choose a population of 50, no disasters, unlimited money and no win requirements. Now pause the game and follow these steps:

  • Quick build a power plant.
  • Quick build 20 office buildings for the capitalists and globalists.
  • Quick build 3 Cathedrals for the religious movement.
  • Quick build 4 barracks for the militarists.
  • Quick build 30 apartment buildings for the communists.
  • Quick build 6 cigar factories for the industrialists.
  • Quick build the space program and nuclear program for the nationalists.
  • Quick build lots of large gardens for the environmentalists.

Now unpause the game and if you followed these steps to the letter, the trophy should pop after just a short while.


History Will Absolve Me

Survived a rebel attack against the Palace comments_g.gif

Start up a sandbox game in either era with unlimited money and no disasters. Now surround your palace with guard towers, raise the budget of those towers to the maximum and upgrade them with machine guns. Do not build any other military buildings because tanks and infantry will kill the rebels before they even reach your palace almost every time. Now do things that make people unhappy, like demolishing their shacks and using the "Martial Law" edict (found in the edicts menu by holding R2.png and pressing circle18x18.png) and eventually the rebels will attack your palace. The towers surrounding your palace should be sufficient to withstand the attack and the trophy will pop afterwards.


Let Them Eat Cake

Survived an uprising comments_g.gif

You most likely will earn this trophy during your campaign but if you didn't, then see the History Will Absolve Metrophy and use the exact same tactics for this one to pop.


The Bay of Pigs

Survived an invasion from the USA comments_g.gif

Start a sandbox game in the modern era with unlimited money and no disasters. Now build a few docks and start trade routes with the Russians and Chinese to get a bad relationship with the U.S.A. Once your relationship is bad enough your advisor will notify you that an invasion is imminent. Now quick build a strong military power (army base, barracks, fortresses, airship carriers etc.) raise their budgets and improve the buildings where possible and now simply withstand the attack. I strongly advise making a manual save right before the attack so you can just go back to that save and add military power if needed.

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