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I'll try to make "Test of the wild" easier with this

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There is A LOT of info about this challenge everywhere, giant texts and youtube videos where the creator/uploader was incredibly lucky with captains/warchiefs locations and kills, i wasted a lot of time trying to get this done following these guides and came with a simple solution, combining different strats from all these guides in one.



1- Use regular Uruks to get intel about the captains, and those marked as intel on the map to reveal Warchiefs (optional: backup your save on cloud/usb and try to find the Crossbow Warchief first, he will be your personal assassin)


Step 1 should be done by 6-7 minutes, reload if you aren't close to this


2- Ride a Graug, open Army of Sauron, and look for the captains near your location, eat/puke, open map, find next captain and repeat, until you have 10 monster kills


Step 2 should be done by the 18-20 mark


Observation: During step 3, after rioting, grab your Warchief with R1 and dominate him again, before pressing down on the D-PAD


3- Use your Warchief to Riot against the other Warchiefs, he is OP, just make sure that bodyguards don't flee and leave the dirty work for him, you can search for Graugs and Caragors to kill in the meantime, if there is bait nearby. (IMPORTANT: always use advance time instead of Fast Travel during this step, some of my captains became bodyguards by doing that, having them all in the same place during Riots is a huge timesaver)


Here is the trick, leave the last Warchief alive, just make sure that he has the last boduguards alive or that 0 captains are alive, by doing that, after farming your points, you can start the last Riot AND dispatch your Warchief at the same time, believe me, going after the mission marks to call your Warchief back wastes precious time.


4- You probably be short on points by using the Crossbow warchief, don't worry, fast travel to the starting Forge Tower, go left, there'll always be 1 or 3 Caragors there, shadow mount them all, then dismount and press down on the d-pad, fast travel back to the tower and repeat until you have 11.000 points


5- Start your last Riot, let the crossbow warchief kill the remaining warchief and press down on the d-pad


RIP trophy



The Caragor point farming saved my run just now, i had only 3 minutes left to farm points and call back my warchief, he was too far away so i couldn't do both in time, that's why it's important to farm points before killing the last rival Warchief.


Sorry about my english, it's not my main language and is self taught.

Edited by Pavani_
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