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Is this canon?

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So I've been recently re-playing this game. And I have to say that I actually liked it for what it is. The story seems pretty solid and it actually is well done and some ways better than City. However today I got into a discussion with a friend who said that Arkham Origins was not canon. I asked why and he said that it had a lot of continuity issues. Such as a game only taking place five years before Arkham Asylum and how the whole thing between Nightwing Todd and Drake couldn't have happened in 5 years not to mention the whole thing with Barbara and Oracle. He also said that Rocksteady has said that we are to treat Arkham Origins as non Canon. I look this up and sometimes I find that they say it is and sometimes I find that they say it's not. It really does make me scratch my head trying to figure out whether it cis anon or not I mean it's not going to change my view on the game I like it regardless it's just one of those things I'd like to know

Edited by Stargazer2600
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It's canon in the Arkham universe but not in others. What's canon in Arkham isn't canon in the others.


American comic books tend to re-invent themselves every few years or so.


Basically Arkham is it's own separate universe where things happen differently then in others like characters dying when they didn't in others and vice versa for example.

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It is canon, but it doesn't make sense when you look at the big picture.

Arkham Knight added even more plot holes to the mix and don't even get me started on the supposed canon comic series, so I don't think Rocksteady really care about it. Not that it would be too much of an issue if the game was great in other areas but Knight, in particular, I would consider a bad experience.

Edited by Crispy78923
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