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Things you hate


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I hate normal! I hate when someone is trying to achieve a goal and after a month he just quits. Goals need time to achieved you quitters! It's not something simple that everyone can obtain! If it was then everyone in this planet would be kickass on what he likes (studies, sports etc). If you want something of course there will be obstacles and every time there is an obstacle you find a sollution to it! I hate when someone says to me that he has no problems. Dude, if you say that then you have a big problem!


Sorry, i just had to say this, now i'm calm

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Parents who keep remind you things you already know when the first time they ask advices for one time. Also telling you get outside more or talk to people from your family member's friends even though it depends whenever you want to meet them and talk to them sometime or not.

One of your family members keep bothering you that he/she wants to play the game EVERYDAY. Also leads to annoying pointless arguments which is stupid especially if it is their own console. I think I already mentioned it on this thread but decided to post that again.

People keep asking the same questions where a adult already reviewed the situation once or twice. Like "What time does lunch starts?" Those questions like those makes me grind my gears where they should definitely know it already by listening.

Apple phone company. Causes too much problems since I glad I don't have a Iphone.

Unnecessary hatred on something to the person where they should focus on things they're supposed to work on or deal with it especially where person A hasn't done anything bad to person B, but person B is annoyed at one thing that person A does it.

Not suspecting things you wanted to be.

People who make dumb usernames on their accounts for social media websites.

Overthink things

Edited by Superstarmaste1r
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Facebook and Apple, The 2 thing's that bought the "Consumer" to basic technology with the only original idea being knocking off other companies products at ridiculous price. I do own some Apple products, Iphones used as iPods and a Mac.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Lag in multiplayer (No one likes bouncing all over the place)  
  • Hackers/Modder's (Just play the game the way it's meant to be played)
  • People who think to highly of themselves (It's good to have confidence but having an ego the size of a dinosaur is just to much)
  • Slavery (Were all equal)
  • Gaming console rivalries (PS3 vs Xbox vs PC ETC.) (They all have advantages and disadvantages. Just choose one you think you will enjoy the best)
  • Very difficult/time consuming trophies (Those trophies that you start to question if it's even worth it)
  • Camping (Not a big fan of the out-doors)
  • War (I get it, but at the same time I don't...)
  • Soccer (I like playing it but I can fall asleep watching it)
  • Being sick (Luckily for me, I rarely get sick, but when I do, it's a living hell)  



These are probably most of the things that I hate. There is most likely more things but these are the ones I can think of at the moment.

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Another thing I probably would add sometimes is I kind of hate that even though I gone to sleep 8 hours ago only felt like a few seconds have pass instead, that might because I don't want to wake up and have to go somewhere I don't to be or I'm just finding this world a bit boring and would rather be trapped in a dream forever.

I also hate people who think 420 means anything it is just another number as far as I'm concerned and another day on the calendar just like 666 is.

Edited by Nightstream88
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Many things already said above.

Timezones (You can't chat with people on the other side of the globe, because they or you are sleeping.) -_-

Edit: Prizes on allergy food/drinks. Ugh, food industry makes a fortune on people with allergies. :angry:

Edited by LCDR_McGarrett
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I hate Wednesdays.


I really fucking hate Wednesdays.  No idea why.  Even if I woke up to a blowjob on a Wednesday morning I still wouldnt be a fan of Wednesday.

No other day of the week annoys me.


I dont know how to get over it.


Unless maybe if Wednesday became blowjob before breakfast day, then there is a possibility that I could get over 30 plus years of hating on a particular day.

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I hate Wednesdays.


I really fucking hate Wednesdays.  No idea why.  Even if I woke up to a blowjob on a Wednesday morning I still wouldnt be a fan of Wednesday.

No other day of the week annoys me.


I dont know how to get over it.


Unless maybe if Wednesday became blowjob before breakfast day, then there is a possibility that I could get over 30 plus years of hating on a particular day.


UH OH! Guess what day it is?! Guess. What. Day. It. Is. 



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The only way I'll consider it wrong is if you fail to do so.


*Cracks knuckles*


Well in that case you had better post in the Would you fight the avatar above you page because its game on brother.


*stubs out cigarette on palm of hand*

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Not prepared on when it's time to start for the person but the second person isn't ready or is offline.

This makes me frustrated that planning on when to start like gaming sessions for a example will always be a bad idea where you won't ever finish unlocking the online trophies you need.

Speaking of online sessions, I also hate where no one responds to your session when the notification pops up saying "30 minutes left until gaming session starts." Maybe I already mentioned it before in this thread not sure.

Annoying trophies games that you don't want to even want to finish anymore.

Games like Portal 2(online), Dragon's Crown(without online co-op for help) and past Telltale games Sam And Max, Back To The Future are so tedious that what I hate even more is I have to skip all of these long conversations just to reach what I need to be on to unlock the trophy and save by checkpoint just in case I don't missed it.

Non gaming

Making tic sounds.

Don't know how I keep making the noise habits that drive some people insane even my some of my family as well that it isn't working for me and wish that I can stop it.

Unexpected guests to any of your house

If the person you live at doesn't remind you the person will invite a guest then that will be alright but without it, things can ruin your plan on what to do.

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-Supremacy (Whether it be over Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Religion or anything, you're no better than me or anyone else, get over yourself)

-Judgements (I can't count the number of times I've been bashed by people who were nice when they first met me but then go complete asshole when they find out I like smoking weed)

-Fanboys (This one annoys the living piss out of me. Playstation, Xbox, PC, Certain Sports Team, Certain Music Genre or Artists, could be over anything. Keep a open mind)

-DLC and Updates (Arguably the worst thing to ever happen to gaming IMO, it allows game devs to sell betas to the public and fix broken games through updates that should have had all the bugs fixed and features included out of the box at launch)

-Overhype (Lot's of games are guilty of this but I'll use a newer game as an example, look no further than Destiny on PS4/Xbox One)

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I hate when people tell me to play a game in a certain way.


For example: I've received hatemail on The Last of Us Multiplayer by a guy saying to not use the shotgun and I'm like "Come on, just let me play the game like I want to"


That is the thing that irritates me and I hate it like a burning car that just want's to explode.


Phew, glad that I got that out of my system. I'm out. See ya. 

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Let start off by the shit i had to deal last night during work.

  Young punks that are drunk and think their superman with beer muscles acting like their top shit and being an asshole threatening to kick my ass. Then they realize I'm a big dude to fuck with.

 People act like their big ballers spending money, but don't TIP for good service.

  Idiot drivers that Drive 15 mph under the posted speed limit. Then also act like their scared to drive.

 People that act like the world revolves around them. 

  Gossip and drama starters. 

 Nasty people, that have no hygiene, shitting or pissing on toilets and not even wash their fucking hands. 

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