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Things you hate


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- People that talk too much

- Mosquitos 

- Glitch/Bugs on games

- Rage Quit

- Those who hates me 

- People that made up a life to seem cool

- Kids that acts like adults

- Girls that think everyone is against them because they are pretty

... and much, much more

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People who give dismissive advice... "Depressed? Cheer up!"  "Anxiety? Just relax!" "Poor? Make more money!"  I don't fault people who try to help, but don't really know how, because at least there's a positive energy in it, but rubbing the fact that you care so little for someone else's problems that you can't be bothered to understand the issue in that person's face isn't going to make things better, and can often exacerbate things. It's a fine line, so some of you probably don't know what I'm getting at, and  I can't really articulate the difference any better than I have... It's just one of the things that you know it when you hear it.


When stupid guys are talking about a lesbian, and one of them cups his junk and declares that maybe he'll "show her what she's missing." He's probably never heard of "corrective rapes," and he's only playing to his audience, but he's tiptoeing around a threshold that get's crossed elsewhere in the world... With all that aside, it's still low-class and dehumanizing.


I know neither of those were funny or light-hearted at all, but they are things I hate.

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-FPS's that are based on reality like CoD or Battlefield

-Having a 2-wheel Drive Pick Up Truck

-No radio in a vehicle when you drive long distance's

-Being called an Xbox fanboy when I own and play on a Playstation also

-Playstation Controller (my hands cramp up after long hours of playing)

-Xbox 360 Kinect (Xbox One Kinect is a lot better)

-Being made fun of when I listen to Avril Lavigne (and having every album)

-Multiplayer Trophies or Achievements on Story driven games


-Big Crowds

-Vertigo (and I like high place's it is not a good combo)

-Deep Water

-That I'm never going to get a 1969 (or in that time frame) Dodge Charger (favorite car of all time)

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-People watching me
-Mainstream stuff (a mainstream song for example)
-People that are 15+ and act like children
-People that talk loudly (I added this because as I was writing this someone yelled for no reason and I automatically felt hate)
-When you get hit in the final lap of a race game on high difficulty
-People that care only about sexual things
-People with no respect
-People that think they learned something just because they learned the basics and people because they think they learned something because they learned it at school
-Narrow minded people

-The cold flu

-Trolls in real life
-glitchy trophies (I am looking at you Assassin's Creed 3)
-Nice people that turn into assholes because they got higher in command
I was going to add 10 but I added 15 because I really hate a lot of things

Edited by abcmdwtj
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When I see small children drinking Red Bull or Rockstar or whatever... What a shitty thing to do to people who have to work with the public: You get you're hillbilly offspring gooned off on Taurine and release them into a place of business. While I'm at it...


This was a one-time thing, but when I'm telling you that the toddler that you left unattended in the locker room was seconds away from drowning in our pool, put down your god damned phone. 'Your child almost died' is a phrase that warrants your attention. At least act surprised or interested. Don't just grunt an acknowledgement without taking your eyes off your phone. Hell, I would have preferred the usual "Don't tell me how to raise my kid" line of BS I get when I enforce the rules at my job, to just... apathy. Two of my co-workers also explained the situation to her after she didn't seem to react to me. She walked slowly away from one of them in mid sentence, the other one only got a reaction after she told her that her membership was being cancelled. I don't even know what to call that, but I hate it.


People who strut around with an overblown and inexplicable sense of entitlement.


Counselor Troi from Star Trek: TNG. Richie bitch thinks she doesn't have to wear her uniform.


People who don't respect the authority a homeowner has over their home... If you're crashing on someone's couch, don't invite your friends over that person's house. And if you're incapable of that much self control, don't throw a fit when the homeowner kicks your friends out after midnight.


The general abandonment of basic manners.


How people seem to lose control when using a public restroom... I refuse to believe that they treat there bathroom at home in such a way, so somewhere in their mind must lie a nugget of contempt for the people who have to use it after them.


I hate that I can't seem to get a review out... I've started a few that I just stopped because I didn't really have anything to say about them, including Home Alone (snes), Tyrian (pc)


The expression "catch feelings." I don't even know why, I just cringe when I hear it.


I hate that I hate so much, nowadays. I've always tried to be empathetic and understanding and slow to pass judgement (Spell check is telling me "judgement" isn't a word and I'm getting pissed...), but it's getting harder to keep that emotional distance from my frustrations.

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People who don't take care of their games.  I recently bought an original Xbox, and not only was the system pretty dirty, GTA San Andreas was INSIDE when I got it, meaning it SHIPPED like that.  You'd think the guy would...you know...take it out and package it separately? Any gamer worth their salt knows that moving a system with a game inside, much less shipping it like that, will get the disc banged up and scratched.  Why even bother to send it if you did that? And if he just forgot it, you'd think he'd bother to check.  Also the bundled game that came with it...the case looked like it got chewed on or something.  What's a dog/baby doing around your games, man?

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There's definitely more than this, but it would become a novel by the time I was done.

  • Overly confident individuals
  • Close-minded individuals
  • Attention-seeking individuals
  • Ignorance
  • Cigarettes
  • Artificial things; this includes people
  • Being exhausted, but not being able to sleep
  • Being ignored on purpose
  • The Summer, heat, and humidity
  • Judgement on appearances
  • Judgmental individuals in general
  • Abuse of any kind
  • Strangers
  • Crowds of people
  • Being touched or bumped into "accidentally"
  • Feeling sick
  • The warning sound when your car tells you that your keys are still in the ignition
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  • 2 months later...

  • Slugs/Snails


Fanboys/girls of either system.





Judgmental people


Games with extremely boring stories where I like the game but cannot skip the cutscene :shakefist:

Shopping in town, there's nothing there that can't be purchased online for cheaper.. plus its boring.

Crowds of people.

Public Transport (see above).

Music on the charts (it's usually a load of shit)

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Small town lifers (People who are born in one place and stay there until they die)

People smoking around me. I don't give a fuck if you want to pollute your own lungs but please do it away from me.


Killing people in the name of religion - This has to be the stupidest thing anyone can do. Killing innocent people does not please your God. Morons!

People who abuse animals

A melting snowman - It's just not fair

The know it all 

Celebrity magazines - Who buys this shit?

When my dickhead neighbor plays his shit music at ridiculous o'clock.

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•Games being teased years before the release

•Midgets wanting to be called little people (which sounds worse)


•What hip hop has turned into

•Cereal + no milk

•That creepy dead stare that all youth pastors seem to hav

•NAT 3


Edited by JACK5HlT
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People who misunderstand me


Arrogant fucks

Unfriendly fucks

12 year old kids who play CoD

People who take their game too seriously


Unstable internet connection

Things stop working

Non-constructive criticism

My lack of sanity

My parents asking me something that I do not want to answer

Tests and exams

Big projects for college/university class


Having to explain things

Getting sick

Sinus conjestion

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-Idiot people

-Annoying/Insulting people


-Ass kissers

-Assholes / Dickwads


-Brown outs

-WWE's PG era (I still watch some episodes if it's good, Attitude and Ruthless Agression era was the best)


-Boastful idiots




-Lags (all aspects)

-Game freeze (annoying)

-Slow internet

-Shit computers

-Grumpy people



-Abusers (all aspects)


-When non-deserving people get/win the good things


-Kids / Players with no maturity


-Bad Economy

-Justin Bieber (sorry ladies)

-Biting my tongue

-Bad grades

-Confusing topics

-Things that I don't understand (namely some school topics)

-Advertisements / Ads

- Strict Teachers

- Unfair advantages

- Censors

-Gangnam style


-Sad things


-Things that don't work

-Bad songs

-Spending a lot of money

-Expensive stuff

-Bad food

-Bad vibes

-The feeling when you sit and your ass burns

-The feeling when you pee / shit your pants.

and much more...

(I know, I hate a lot of things. :P )

Edited by ThePurpleheat97
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This is gonna be a long list...:


  • Justin Bieber
  • One Direction
  • Autotune
  • Harry Styles
  • People with no manners
  • Justin Bieber
  • Morons that say YOLO just to act like a dick
  • One Direction
  • Spiders
  • Piers Morgan
  • Tottenham Hotspurs
  • Erm... One Direction. Oh, and Justin Bieber...
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  • Fast and processed foods being cheaper than fresh meat & vegetables
  • Instant coffee
  • *insertactionhere*
  • YOLO (whatever happened to carpe diem)?
  • The day after leg day
  • Females that identify as a "xXxGiRl gAmErxXx"
  • Most other dog owners
  • OCD and people saying they are OCD just because they alphabetise
  • Chocolate
  • Knowing I will never be able to get through my backlog :(



I forgot one.

  • The misuse of 'mortified' especially when people use it synonymously with 'horrified'
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  • spiders 

bitches who spray their perfume all over the place 

stepping on lego

people who get mad right when you join a COD lobby

slow internet connection

video buffering

when people dont close my door and leave it open 

the bad drivers that blame others

workers that wont stfu and keeping tailing you around the store asking if i need help with anything

girls who get so butthurt over little things

the swag fags that say they know their "fashion" 

video game collectors that dont even play their shit

girls who act retarded just to get the D

people who try acting like a complete smart ass

so called "friends" who only use you when they have no one else 

anger management 

school presentations/projects

teachers pets

random people i dont know ask if i can take a picture of her with her friends (like i'd rather just drop ur phone and leave)

the girls who post pictures where u dont look so good but they do

talking to new people

going to church

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