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After a little search I can't seem to find any sort of guides for this. I understand very few have platinum on this but I would like to get as high a percentage as possible. Googling individual trophies even gets me little luck... Is the best advice just to play as many quests as possible? I'm almost done the main storyline and would like the know what I do/don't need to do for some of these trophies. I would like to help make one myself, but don't see myself getting much more than 25% or so haha.

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Thus game doesn't have a game Cuz it doesn't really need one. You just have to complete literally everything on the map. You'll know whether you completed something or not. And you can just find a map online that shows all the places you have to go to and where the collectibles are. For the emperor trophy you just gotta be good at pvp and have luck and lots of time. Can't really give you any tips on this since classes are always getting buffed and nerves so the meta always changes. You can also find a fishing guide online which shows you the locations of all the fish. And than you'll just have to do some misc trophies that's pretty much it. Gonna take you a good 500 hours. Another few 100 hours if you also want to get all the DLC done.

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