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Infinite money glitch for version 1.24


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18 hours ago, Shadowhedgy said:

Hi, Does the Infinite Money Glitch works for version 1.24 of the game? The ships are really expensive and I want to buy one that cost 17.500.000 Credits. Thanks.


There's another way to farm a bunch of money, but it does require you to work your way through the base building quests. Toward the end of the Scientist Terminal's quests, you'll receive a recipe for making Lubricant. This requires 50 units of Mordite, which you can get from killing animals. You can also plant Carrion Roots, which you can harvest about 15-20 units of Mordite from. You'll gain the ability to plant Carrion Roots about halfway through the Farming Terminal's quests. Carrion Roots regenerate their crop every six minutes, so you can plant a bunch at your base, harvest their crop, go AFK for 6 minutes, then keep coming back to harvest more until you can craft enough Lubricant for whatever amount of cash you need. Lubricant sells for ~20,000 units on the galactic trade market, so you can make quite a bit of profit if you can be patient, and it's less labor intensive than mining. My crop of 34 Carrion Roots nets me a profit of about ~300,000 units every six minutes, or whenever I bother to remember to harvest it, and 34 plants is a small farm.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks. I just get to my 4th planet, and still a little lost about how to progress in the game. The lack of space form farming resources is anoying, and yet i dont get how the bases work (what to build and where). So far, I´ve been farming Emeril at near one post, and I´m adding 250,000 credits on each round of about 15 minutes farming it. But still not sure what is my next step.

The Record says something like Go outside the solar system, and I have no idea where is it, only where is the next planet.

Also, it seems that i cannot go back to the first planet i visited in order to scan all the local species.

So far, I liked the game but its easy to get lost in it, and almost stuck at times.

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1 minute ago, Shadowhedgy said:

Thanks. I just get to my 4th planet, and still a little lost about how to progress in the game. The lack of space form farming resources is anoying, and yet i dont get how the bases work (what to build and where). So far, I´ve been farming Emeril at near one post, and I´m adding 250,000 credits on each round of about 15 minutes farming it. But still not sure what is my next step.

The Record says something like Go outside the solar system, and I have no idea where is it, only where is the next planet.

Also, it seems that i cannot go back to the first planet i visited in order to scan all the local species.

So far, I liked the game but its easy to get lost in it, and almost stuck at times.


Have you just started the game recently? Have you just built and fueled the Hyperdrive on your ship? If so, the game wants you to warp to another system. Fly into space with your ship, then press Down on the D-Pad to access the Galactic Map on the menu, and use it to warp to the next system that's on the Path To The Center.


As for bases, when you're in space, your ship can scan planets by pressing L3. It'll pick up on different types of locations, keep pressing L3 until it finds a Habitable Base. There will a machine inside it that you can use to claim it, as well as a portal you can use to teleport between the base and the last space station you've visited. You'll want to build a Construction Terminal inside the base first (press up on the D-Pad to find this), then employ an Architect (you can find one by speaking to a Gek standing around inside every single space station). From there the quest log will direct you on what to do for building your base.


You can also buy a freighter and have that follow you around, it has an additional inventory and you can build bases on it also. You can buy one by landing on it and talking to the captain. Freighters that you can land on have a blue glow coming from their hangar doors. The cheapest one costs about 11,000,000 credits though. Bases can be built through a door in the upstairs area, all the way in the back, once you own the freighter. The problem with bases on a freighter is that you can't put nearly as much in it as you can a base on a planet. Freighters can be called to your current location, even light years away from where you saw it last, through a menu option you can find by pressing down on the D-Pad.

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Thanks for the Help. and yes, I started the game and so far I've been playing for something like 4 to 6 hours top. I' m kind of lost in the game. The objectives are not very clear, and something happened that I registered the name of one zone (Farmering Plains, because I used it to farm some emeril), but now the register is not listed anywhere in the record list of the game. Not sure if it dissapear or what. The point is that I wanted to return to that base, but I cant find the way to it. Also, I cant find the way to the first planet I visited in order to scans all the species of the planet and get the trophy for it.


Im taking note of your advices.

Thanks to everyone here.

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9 hours ago, Shadowhedgy said:

Thanks for the Help. and yes, I started the game and so far I've been playing for something like 4 to 6 hours top. I' m kind of lost in the game. The objectives are not very clear, and something happened that I registered the name of one zone (Farmering Plains, because I used it to farm some emeril), but now the register is not listed anywhere in the record list of the game. Not sure if it dissapear or what. The point is that I wanted to return to that base, but I cant find the way to it. Also, I cant find the way to the first planet I visited in order to scans all the species of the planet and get the trophy for it.


Im taking note of your advices.

Thanks to everyone here.


If you're trying to go back to a specific location on a planet, it's nearly impossible to find again unless you set a Beacon down next to it. A Beacon is an item you can build by pressing up on the D-Pad to access your Build menu. You won't be able to start creating Beacons until you start getting into the Base Building quests though. The great thing about Beacons is that they create permanent waypoints that are even visible from space, that you can head back to at any point you feel like. There's a limit to how many Beacons you can build per planet though. As for locations, each planet only lists the last six locations you've discovered, so if you've discovered more than six locations on that planet since that old base you want to see, then you won't see it anymore. The locations list is not useful for anything though, because as I said, you need to leave a Beacon to mark a waypoint to it again.


As for finding the planet again, it should be simple. You're in the same system as that planet was in, right? Should be easy as looking around quickly in space and flying to it. Sometimes, planets will be hiding behind other, closer planets though. I don't know how many times I've exited a station thinking there was only one planet in the system, when in fact there's another planet and its moon hiding behind it. Or, if you're no longer in the same system, you can set a waypoint to any system you've previously visited. Go to your Discoveries tab, select the system you want to go back to, hold :cross: on the system entry to set a waypoint to it, then go to your Galactic Map to find that a course back to it has been set for you. I personally have my waypoint set back to my home system, to see how far away I've traveled from it.

Edited by damon8r351
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