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What the origin of your PSN name ?

Aranea Highwind

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The origin story of my user name is simple and easy to figure out. It's the name of Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2 (second best SH, after SH3) in Polish, which is my first language. The word 'Piramidogłowy' is a common (and literal) translation used in Polish. The truth is that I'm 31 and this guy still scares the sh*t out of me every time I see him. Possibly it's the way he looks, the way he moves and what he represents (all those who palyed SH2 know what I'm talking about). Anyway, my user name sadly is not some sophisticated thing, but I like it anyway :)

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I started playing WoW in 2004, well before the PS3, of course. My main was named Kevin (a testament to how early I got into it), but as I created alts in the many months to come the names had to reach quite a bit further beyond the obvious: Droog (russian for friend, also slang from A Clockwork Orange), Sagem (Sage was taken so I threw an 'M' at the end), Tacara (Japanese for Treasure), Waffen (german for Armed or something, I don't remember), and finally a Blood Elf Paladin named Siuilarun after a song I had just seen performed on PBS that I thought was very pretty.


When the time came for me to jump onto the PSN, "Kevin" was obviously no-go, so I chose the alt name that I liked the most, the late-comer, Siuilarun... It wasn't taken. That was about 6 or 7 years ago, and I've heard some interesting interpretations of it in voice chat, my favorite being when I was called "Salmarillion." Honorable mention goes to "Solarium."

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When I first got my XB360, I used the name "Biged", because my real name is Ed, and when I am being a know-it-all my family used to call me "Big Head".


When I eventually put the 360 online, I was informed that "Biged" was taken but was invited to invent a new, available username. One of the suggestions was StrickenBiged, which I thought had a nice ring to it.


I liked the name so was glad to see it was available on PSN when I made the move to PS for this generation.

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One day I was a big Prince of Persia fan, and in some PoP games the boss is called Dahaka. And it/he looks really awesome :D So when I was playing WoW with my friends I had to create my second character (the first was called "Dahakaman"), which was really hard because "Dahaka" was already taken. Since I wanted to make a warrior I decided to put a "tox" ending to my name, which reminded me a spartan hero from a movie. "Dahakatox" sounded bad, so I wrote "Dahatox" instead.

Edited by Dahatox
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I based my Name off my fav Character From A Show that I really enjoyed.


I tried the name Rainbow Dash but it was ~Gasp~ Taken.


I then tried Its Rainbow Dash and ~Double Gasp~ it too was taken.


So in a last ditch effort my hand tremmbling and heart racing I tried Lts_Rainbow_Dash because the L looks like an I on psn and behold!!


It worked :P



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I wanted a simple name with no numbers, preferably 1-2 words.


Vrisnem means "scream" in several of the Slavic languages. Aesthetically, I think it's a very pretty word despite a less attractive definition; it has slight similarities to my legal name (that I stopped going by when I was 18); and it was just one word like I wanted. I was so pleased that the first name I tried was actually available to use without numbers.  I picked the word out from a line I loved in a song called Od mene se Odvikavaj by Milan Stanković.

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The Mega Man series is one of my favorite series, and I really like Zero, whose main weapon is the Z-Saber, which is colored green. Back then I played Mega Man Zero series a lot and had a lot of fun slicing up baddies with it. I decided I wanted to have Z-Saber in my name when I went to make a youtube account, but I thought Green_Z-Saber and GreenZ-Saber looked awkward so I left out the special characters. Looking back, I should've capped some letters and be GreenZSaber, but oh well, it is what it is.

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one of my favorite movies is the crow, and my favorite villan in the movie is a character called funboy. so thats where it came from. i've used this back when aol was still huge and i was on aol messenger all the time. so its been with me for a years now.

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