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LittleBigPlanet 2: Trophy Overview


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LittleBigPlanet 2








Just like all genres of games, difficulty is going to vary depending on each player's experience and skill. Platformers are on the easier side of the spectrum, but some players might have trouble adjusting to LittleBigPlanet 2's jumping mechanics. Being the basis of the gameplay, it will have to be mastered to ace nearly all of the levels of the Story. Some levels will require lots of time and effort, while others will be a breeze. This skill will be further tested with the acing of ten levels in a row. Apart from that, most other trophies will be obtained naturally from playing the game or can be set up using Create mode and boosting partners. Collecting Prize Bubbles offers another challenge, but nothing that the right guides can't mitigate.


The main deterrent that keeps players from achieving the Platinum is the amount of time that has to be put into the game. Those that don't play the game for fun will find themselves spending what seems like forever doing nothing in Create mode for their twenty four hours and even more for the community level trophies. They aren't difficult by any means, just tedious if forced. Other trophies will have you playing the waiting game if not done proactively, with Long Term Publisher needing a level published for seven days, which can't be cheated with the console's internal clock, and 50 Unique Players for its player to player variance based on a mix of luck and effort.


Overall, some effort and a decent amount of patience will help you through obtaining this moderately rare Platinum. Don't be daunted by the task of acing levels; a little practice will do the job. As for the time consumption, pace yourself or take breaks if you become bored and find ways to multitask with watching television or surfing the web. Good luck!


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excellent overview, and i agree with it. acing all of the story levels for me was definitely a challenge, so personally i would rate this game a 6 or a 7/10, but in general it's a fair difficulty level, maybe a 5/10 would be more suited.

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