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Looks like a very tough trophy list


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At minimum, you have to finish the game five times (unless the trophies stack for finishing the game). Still, to finish the game quickly, without deaths, finding enough secrets and finding enough gold may be very tough depending on how the game plays.


I haven't played Steamworld Dig, so I don't know.

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The Ultimate Trial will need some tries. It's definitely the hardest part so far. The 4 Gold Stars in one run could be hard too, but it depends on the time Star. On my first run on the Switch, getting 100% took me about 15 hours and 73 deaths. I died a lot more often than in the first one.

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On 9/18/2017 at 6:37 AM, Muskratateer said:

I loved the first game, can't wait for this one!


I’m playing it and I can tell you that if you loved the first, you’ll really, really love this one. It’s better than the first in every way that I can think of, especially and best of all, the size. Instead of just one mineshaft, it has multiple areas, interconnected with so many secrets. Much more MetroidVania than the first. 


As as for the difficulty...


Many of trophies are easy and straight forward. Finishing the game with every gold star seems tough. Because you’d need a gold star in secrets *and* in speed. Obviously, these two things do not go well together as they contradict. Add to that, beating it without dying. Thankfully it seems you can play it on easy mode for those stars.


Good news though: there is an upgrade that makes staying alive easy. It saves you from death once, and the cool down on it resets when you’re in town. Meaning, as soon as it triggers, warp back to town. It’ll cost you time, but  better safe than sorry.


Edited by liquidsol
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For anyone curious, the speedrun and 'Impossible Dream' achievement can be achieved if your game time is at least 3.5 hours or less. I got the speedrun achievement after finishing the game with 3:30:50. When I got my 'Impossible Dream' achievement my IGT 3:21:57.


For Gold Farmer, you'll need at least 15k. I think that's the hard cap. I finished one game with ~13k and only got silver. 


For deathless, to make resets less frequent, if you die you can close the game before returning to El Machino. The game doesn't save upon death and will not count any unsaved deaths for your final counter. My Impossible Dream run had two deaths in it, but did not affect my end score after closing the game and relaunching it from my previous save.


Secrets are all upgrade cogs, hidden gems, completed caves, and artifacts. You do not need to complete Trials of Heaven and Hell to get 100%.


If anyone has any questions/wants advice reply and I can try to help!

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